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I'm Looking for a Dedicated RP FC


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Me: I'm a veteran RPer across many games and years, and am looking for that rich experience that we all know and love. I enjoy playing grounded characters that explore the human elements of life and conflicts, and staunchly avoid highly fantastic levels of ability, power, wealth, influence, etc. This is to say that I prefer the normal man cast in extraordinary situations, opposed to playing the extraordinary man cast into every situation.


My usual play times are after 5:00pm EST, and I enjoy everything from dungeon crawl RP to bar talk RP. 


You: You represent a dedicated role playing FC that can also support a character still rising through the levels. Your people are friendly and helpful, and not at all closed against the idea of new comers. Your members don't sport names like Kewl Dude, nor do they "borrow" from others' creativity - i.e. the rash of Strifes, Highwinds, Starks, etc. Your FC name isn't something I'll be embarrassed to tack onto my character label - i.e. No LUST, ERP!, Desire, etc.


Size counts, and while I wholly support up and coming FCs, right now I'm looking for something with the quantity to support quality.


I have several other players that I regularly play with, and each are also engaging RPers. If anyone feels that their FC is a right fit for me, or I'm a right fit for their FC, it's quite possible that the others will join me.


Anyone out there?

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well i'll assume for now you've taken a look at the "Linkshell" directory that hosts both LS/FC's. There are quite a few off the record, such as TALE, many of those group encourage you to meet and greet in game, but hopefully some one will touch base with you here.


If nothing else feel free to drop me a line in game (or on Skype, "quarimar") and i'll get you an invite to the shared OOC skype channel where you can poke around. Its a fairly constant stream of babble, where people are, what they're doing who they're with etc.


I hope you have the chance to find a fitting home, Please let me know if you have questions about any group in particular or any events that are approaching. I do my best to keep a bit of an overview in mind.

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I am apart of an up and coming FC, known as The Blackwater Company with my linkshell (Ambrosia) under it's umbrella. As it stands out group is small though our content and story is not. My guild leader is A'bhen Nunh, his character heads up the Company. 


Brief Description from Abhen:

The simple premise of the Blackwater Company is to enact as a hub for underground dealings. Be it illegal, taboo, or otherwise, the general theme for the Free Company will be set around an ongoing story of this niche. 


Due the nature of the theme it is understood that there will be some mature content. If this even remotely interests you then I encourage you to reach out to A'bhen here or in game, though any messages here would likely be seen first. I do believe I have said enough for now, I look forward to hearing from you.


EDIT: Silly me, you are looking on Balmung, correct?

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Not to be the rain on the parade (and please correct me if i'm wrong)


But you'll be on Balmung correct?


I didn't know the Black Water Company was opening a Balmung wing, although that would suite me fine, lord does it take a lot of bribes to get some childre- I mean chickens.. yes.. chickens.. to experiment on.



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Not to be the rain on the parade (and please correct me if i'm wrong)


But you'll be on Balmung correct?


I didn't know the Black Water Company was opening a Balmung wing, although that would suite me fine, lord does it take a lot of bribes to get some childre- I mean chickens.. yes.. chickens.. to experiment on.





Haha I just edited my post at the same time as your question came up. I think he is judging from the Server listed under his name.

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Haha I just edited my post at the same time as your question came up. I think he is judging from the Server listed under his name.


And im guessing thats a no to a BWC on Balmung, whelp, back to little Ala Mhigo to find some... "friends"


Sadly nope not in the works.

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To clarify - yes, I play on Balmung.


And while I wholly support every element of RP, from sun smashing god characters, to saucy kitties running bordellos, the latter isn't the sort of FC I'm currently looking for (neither is the former.)


Thank you for the warm invitation though.

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I agree with you, its not really my shtick either, but can provide some authenticity to an other wise sterile environment.


I'll drop by and bump the thread to keep it exposed from time to time, and if you're on tonight feel free to message me in game, I'm better at making suggestions with the world in front of me.


You mentioned enjoying the "Ordinary individual in extraordinary circumstances" have you had the chance to speak with anyone from "The Travelers guild"? (Listed in the Linkshell directory.) A rather friendly bunch that make a habit of traipsing across the realm, which I would imagine provides a catalyst to both meet them, and to develop your character.


Just a thought.

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To clarify - yes, I play on Balmung.


And while I wholly support every element of RP, from sun smashing god characters, to saucy kitties running bordellos, the latter isn't the sort of FC I'm currently looking for (neither is the former.)


Thank you for the warm invitation though.


Seems to be the norm around here sadly, but to each his/her own. Best of luck to you!

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To be fair, not ALL of the RP in TERA was of that nature. Faye only jokingly asked that because (or so I assume) there were actually two guilds on the RP server called Desire and Lust, the former of which was pretty well-known because it had a large roster and often claimed territories through the election system.


On a more on-topic note, I cannot think of any FCs with considerable numbers that fit what you may be looking for that are currently recruiting. Perhaps you could give us a little more info about your character so we better know what to suggest? (That or you could simply browse through this list if you have not done so already.).

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I understand why you ask for more about my character, but he doesn't adhere to any theme really. He can belong anywhere or nowhere. I also keep to a strict join by player basis and not character basis - Sion can be adjusted, I can't.


So the FC and I need to fit well, not the FC and character.


And when I say that an FC must have the quantity to match the quality, I mean 20+ members or so. While that's relatively small, it's enough of a promising foundation to work with.


I've also looked over the LS directory, but I dislike impersonal profiles, and would much prefer to reach out to people that will reach back. Perhaps you could tell me a little about The Lantern?

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Hey Candor. You should check The Moirai. We are a Free Company geared towards close knit adventuring parties and also RP event hosting. We have 20 in our roster with 5-8 usually on around the time you mentioned everyday right now, with more activity on the weekends as well. Judging by your original post I think you'd make a decent fit and invite you to play with us some time. If you're interested you can send a /tell or friends request to me or any of our officers: Rhan'ir Azal, L'sheba Lhiou, Miah Amariyo, and Gaganzo Hihinzo.

Link to our FC/LS listing: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=5038

Our website: http://moirai.enjin.com/


~Falk Magus


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No, I don't count TERA under the games I've RPed on.

And if I can judge by your reaction, I'm glad for it.


By the by - are you making an FC inquiry, or just commenting on some of the FC tags I've seen?


There was plenty of decent RP on TERA, as Kismet mentioned, I was simply making a joke that Lust and Desire were the names of two well-known ERP guilds there, verbatim. But while I am here and while I have your attention in-game, I suppose I should mention that Harbingers of Dawn is recruiting! We're a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC with and IC LS. I believe we meet all the qualifications.

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I suppose I can chime in here for you. I am currently with the Night Blades. We have a roster of 50+, with a good chunk who RP. Usually always have 15+ people online as the time zones are spread out a bit. I think most reside in EST and MST. We currently just started our FC plot along with our allied shell (Garlean plot). The FC is located in the linkshell tab if you want to check us out. To make it short, the FC is basically a group of people who are willing to do anything to protect Eorzea from all forces. If we had to toss a bag of puppies in a volcano, then so be it :3.


There is a wide range of RP characters, ranging from scientists to drunken bar brawling ruffians. 


We are currently allied with The Grim Echo who I also recommend checking out as they have a good chunk of members as well and are never shy when it comes to RP. They pretty much follow the same FC premise as we do.


Our FC chat is OOC, but we have a separate IC LS for the FC and a IC LS with our allies. 


You can message me here or in game, Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn, if you want more information or decide that you want to join the ranks.

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Dennthota is right about putting our name in the hat. We are dedicated RPers.


The only problem is we do have members who DO NOT RP. They're good friends of ours from other games we've played and they are extremely RP friendly, but they don't RP and focus more on the progression side of things (Night Blades have made it into Binding Coil as of last week). They like to help our.. not so fast leveling members with their Relics and do Primal runs for them. Their names tend to be lore friendly, but we do have a Roe named El Curago (An inside joke as I would spell "Curaga" in FFXI as "Curago" for YEARS). He's the most helpful dude, but his name may make you cringe.


Not trying to dissuade you, everything Dennthota said is true and we really do like to RP. We just have another side to our FC that some RPers find immersion breaking.


But on that note, if you LIKE US but don't like that Immersion Breaking thing, I would really recommend hitting up the Grim Echo. They are a lot like us, but with a heavier RP slant. And we're allied with them so you'd see us anyway,


Or join us. We love new people :)

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Hey there, just wanted to add my group to the consideration pool while you look around. I hope you find what you're looking for, I know I've had troubles in the past finding what suited me best.


I am part of XI:7, A Shinra-esque company that has six Divisions (Trade and Manufacturing, Research and Development, Security, Intelligence, Medical, and Entertainment) The company basically earns profits through different means to funnel back into the betterment of Eorzea.


We are also allied with two other Free Companies (Blades of Nald'thal and Mysterium) If people don't find a fit with us, I send them to those two next. Both are full of great people.


If you want to check out our site, its at xi7.enjin.com


Just let me know if you end up having questions or anything. But otherwise good luck in your search man!

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Hi Sion,


It sounds like you'd be a good fit for The Traveling Templar. We're a large (50+ members, everyone an RPer) RP-dedicated LS and FC who first formed years ago back in FFXI. While we have a strong core of regulars and old-timers, we've collected a lot of new people in FFXIV. 


We have plenty of events and meet-ups, and a wide variety of character types to interact with. Aside from RP we often play together too, be it by doing duties together or simply FATE grinding.


Find us at http://travelingtemplar.org/forum/index.php


Happy adventuring!

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Thank you, everyone, for your replies and interest. Currently I'm reading through a lot of LS profiles and FC websites, as well as meeting people in game for preliminary RP. I'm looking forward to meeting those I haven't yet, and would still appreciate anyone's suggestions regarding a suitable FC.

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