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The Kindred [EU]


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Recruitment status: Closed - You may still submit an application, however we may not be in touch until we feel like we can take more members on board. Cheers! 


The Kindred is a company which seeks to unite people under one banner. It's people agree that it is better to go through life with plenty of friends and support, rather than trying to weather the elements alone. Through time, The Kindred have grown from a rag-tag group of adventurers to a fully fledged Free Company.   


The Company exists to provide for the people in it. Food, drink, a bed to sleep in and a sense of security in a world where you rarely know what lies ahead. It's people is what makes it run, on an opportunistic approach of accepting any work that there are skilled hands enough to handle. Through times it has included things such as mercenary work, adventurous exploration and socially inclined undertakings such as managing bars, setting up auctions and more. To manage all of this, a council of five representing various aspects of the company has been assembled.


The Kindred is a two year old roleplay FC, which stems from a four-year old gaming community known as The Clandestine. Through times we've been set in the Heavy RP end of the scales, which we still honor today; as an example, with our tight adherence to the lore. Still we also believe that tolerance can get you far, and we do not like elitist tendencies. 


In the Kindred, you get as much as you give - We do not have a big shared storyline that drives us forth, rather we put the responsibility of events and storylines on everyone's shoulder. Our approach to a lack of RP is to generate more, and keep the ideas going. Whilst oocly lead by the classic top-officer-member routine, the leadership only seeks to make plausible what the members desire to see. As such, through our two year lifetime, we have also seen a couple of semi-radical changes to the concept, all in an effort to cater to the current desires of the members. 

In light of this, having a proactive spark within you definitely helps. 


What we can offer: 

* Roleplay every day. 

* Guildmeetings (IC) every 2 weeks. 

* An IC Linkpearl for easy communication between members

* Events within the European prime-time. We usually start at 20:00 UK time. 

* Frequent events of smaller and larger sizes. 

* Themes ranging from combat and work aspects to slice of life and more casual settings. 

* Lore-adherence & assistance with understanding and finding the lore you need to support your RP. 

* A good environment for personal storylines and character progression.

* Friendly atmosphere, with people online most hours of the day & night.

* Optional Discord server, and the possibility to play other games with people from the FC (Creativerse, LoL, Arc and so on.)


What we're looking for: 

* Characters that fit into the concept of the FC, or are willing to make the adjustments to fit in.

* Players over the age of 18, due to the occurrence of mature themes (Violence etc.) 

* Players who desire to make their own events, aid with events and have a generally pro-active outlook on RP. 

* Players who identify themselves as heavy roleplayers and have some experience, or the desire to learn.  

* Players who are active in the EU prime time, and able to attend events starting at 20pm UK time. 


For newcomers to RP: Whilst we consider KinRP to be friendly towards newcomers that are willing to learn, we can unfortunately not offer a mentor. We'll be happy to help however much we can.


Interested? Got any questions? Here's some people you can contact: 


Leader: Nailah Quill 

Officer: Reinhardt Ironhand/Syleion Pendragon 

Officer: W'gahr Lupercal 

Officer: Cirina Malqir  

Officer: Ranic Iriq


Itching to join? 



Applications are mandatory as they help us evaluate if you would be a good addition to the company, and also shows us that you are serious about joining. The application process is 100% OOC, you will usually get an OOC FC invite before an IC interview is set up.



[align=left]Please note that this topic is very old! Please go to the last page for the latest updates from the FC. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress update (I hope these are alright to post?): 


We've come a good way since our start, and have now shaped up IC'ly to be known as The Kindred. We have a linkshell with that name as well, and as an attempt to adapt to the community, we will be allowing people to only be a member of the linkshell rather than both the FC and the LS. People through the linkshell will icly be treated as people we hire on temporary contracts rather than hiring on a permanent contract - which would hopefully give the option for more characters to RP with us even if they have commitments elsewhere. 


Furthermore, we have started to treat The Golden Bazaar as our "base" - not to lay claim to it, but merely to have a place to gather and have weekly meetings. We are aware that events are held here now and then, which we'll try to incorporate into our own rp so as to be attendees of those events (if they're open events, that is). 


The application on our website will get properly updated to be very short, so that it resembles more of a contact prod than an actual application - seeing as we do applications via roleplay.

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  • 1 month later...

Progress report! :) 


We now count 15 gorgeous daily-active people, from both the EU and the US. I think it is safe to say that we can cater to daytime US players ^^ 


We have become very active in the running of the community-project "Bronze Lake Resort" which you can see us open several times a week, during the EU evening hours. We continue to pick up contracts & work and hatch plotlines of our own, which has been very fun so far! 


Feel free to take contact if you're curious on roleplaying with us, we'd also love to hear from other FC's and their events.

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  • 3 months later...

Boy have we been busy! 


We're still around, 20+ members and a LOT of roleplay. We now have (so far weekly) events in the shape of a High Tea social event in Ward 5 of Lavender beds every monday, around 20 BST. Peek in if you're around! 


OP has been updated as I now have more sla- I mean, officers ^^ Further updates coming in the future.

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  • 2 months later...

The main post has been updated :) We recently changed our tag to get more focus on our IC name, and also because another more recent RP FC decided to use TC-RP (our old was TCRP) for their company, which meant we got mixed up now and then. 


In lieu with this update, our application on the website is also going to undergo an update. Because of our high member count, applications on the website are going to be mandatory and more thorough. This is done in an effort to make sure we get the right people in. 


We'll see you out on the stage!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Woohoo! KinRP turns one year todaaaay! 9/9-14.

It's been one heck of a year, and it's so amazing to see how we have grown from a mere five people to fourty! With so much roleplay to follow!


Here's to a year that is even better!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

As we have reached a fairly high playercount, we are temporarily closing recruitment. You can still submit an application, however we will first get back to you when there is an open spot. 

Thank you for understanding!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Monthly update! 


We now tally 38 weekly active RP'ers, and we're more and more starting to see RP pretty much around the clock. Our larger events are however still primarily in the EU primetime - And we are seeing more small and spontaneous events popping up. 

Super exciting stuff! 


If you're considering us, please submit an application, and ask if you have any questions :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

The OP has been updated extensively. As KinRP is an ever evolving company, I've made some modifications to the description so as better reflect where the company is today :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi :) I wondered if you allow active alts to apply? Sorry if the question is answered elsewhere, I must have missed it.


Generally speaking, we do not. However we can make exceptions if we're sufficiently convinced that the alt is going to be active enough - Usually we've found that alts have troubles staying in the loop due to lack of playtime. Send me a tell or a PM :)

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  • 1 month later...

It's time for an update!


Lots of things have happened recently, the FC is doing well. People (appear to be) happy ^_^


We have some exciting things coming up in the near future, and I hope we'll all see you out there :)

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  • 1 month later...

Happy heavensward everyone! 


We have gotten into the expansion quite well. Because of the expansion, we are currently in a grace period for roleplay where no events are actively planned or carried out, as we all level up & collect lore. We are still accepting members, however roleplay is on a low until people catch up with the new stuff. We will end the grace period when we judge it the right time, but no sooner than Balmung having proper server stability again - planning events when the entire thing can go down into a 90K error lasting 2 hrs is no good. 


We have expanded our house to include the new workshop, and we are half way through to getting our first airship! We will eventually also have a justification in place for having the airship ICly, lore be willing. 


Our latest headcount shows that we have 30 active roleplayers (meaning the player has logged in at least once in the past 7 days), and on top of that we have 3 socials. We always have room for more, so if you're interested, toss in an application :)

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Hey there, I have a lil' query for you. I just got back into FFXIV and I'm loving it, problem is I'm loving it over on the EU Moogle server at the moment however I'm more than willing to change, what that means is I'll be starting from scratch. I mention this because my work schedule for the next 4 weeks means I have only like an hour or two to play per day which means I'll be stuck at the low levels for a while. As a result of that I don't even know much of the story of FFXIV and I think it might be best if I come on over to Balmung and level up a bit and get to know more about the storyline before actually RPing. Would one be able to apply to join despite all this in order to join at a future date perhaps? Or should I just level and stuff first then apply later?

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Hey there, I have a lil' query for you. I just got back into FFXIV and I'm loving it, problem is I'm loving it over on the EU Moogle server at the moment however I'm more than willing to change, what that means is I'll be starting from scratch. I mention this because my work schedule for the next 4 weeks means I have only like an hour or two to play per day which means I'll be stuck at the low levels for a while. As a result of that I don't even know much of the story of FFXIV and I think it might be best if I come on over to Balmung and level up a bit and get to know more about the storyline before actually RPing. Would one be able to apply to join despite all this in order to join at a future date perhaps? Or should I just level and stuff first then apply later?


We'll be more than happy to see an application from you anytime :) Even if you can not play much, we have a well functioning forum where we can assist you with lore, and it'll definitely benefit you to level up whilst in an FC. We get people in IC in the pace they feel is best, and until then they're OOC with us. 


I feel I should note that Balmung is a bit hard to get into, you'll want to tamper with the character creator in the EU afternoon if you can - that is when Balmung is most likely to open up. Paying for a transfer will bypass this, but obviously that's a bit demanding of ones financial situation. 



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