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The Kindred [EU]


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Hey there, I have a lil' query for you. I just got back into FFXIV and I'm loving it, problem is I'm loving it over on the EU Moogle server at the moment however I'm more than willing to change, what that means is I'll be starting from scratch. I mention this because my work schedule for the next 4 weeks means I have only like an hour or two to play per day which means I'll be stuck at the low levels for a while. As a result of that I don't even know much of the story of FFXIV and I think it might be best if I come on over to Balmung and level up a bit and get to know more about the storyline before actually RPing. Would one be able to apply to join despite all this in order to join at a future date perhaps? Or should I just level and stuff first then apply later?


We'll be more than happy to see an application from you anytime :) Even if you can not play much, we have a well functioning forum where we can assist you with lore, and it'll definitely benefit you to level up whilst in an FC. We get people in IC in the pace they feel is best, and until then they're OOC with us. 


I feel I should note that Balmung is a bit hard to get into, you'll want to tamper with the character creator in the EU afternoon if you can - that is when Balmung is most likely to open up. Paying for a transfer will bypass this, but obviously that's a bit demanding of ones financial situation. 




That's splendid to hear, and thanks for the advice on when to try the character creator. I will in fact be rolling a whole new toon as I can't afford the transfer and I've found myself drawn to the Au ra race since I first saw them. My poor old Elezen WHM shall stay on Moogle while I try my hand at a good ol' warrior. Cheers for the advice on when to try making the character as well, since I'm EU time that is perfect for me ^^

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  • 1 month later...

KinRP is still going strong! We currently sit at around 30 active members (measured on weekly activity) and we have events every week with different flavors. And last but not least, we look forward to kicking JH-RP's butt in dodgeball in the nearest future! :evil:

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And last but not least, we look forward to kicking JH-RP's butt in dodgeball in the nearest future! :evil:


I can confidently say, no matter how the /random plays out for the next game, we'll never quite equal you guys in that last game :P

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  • 1 month later...

Whew, what a month it has been! 


We have accepted 8 new people into our pack, bringing us to a near-record-breaking 38 weekly active players. We have so many exciting things planned, and recently we've had 2-3 events per week within the guild, intermixed with more social themed RP. 


And who knows, maybe we'll get an idea for something bigger sometime soon! 


Due to our size, the recruitment process has toughened up a bit - So, if you wish to join us, convince us thoroughly on the app and it'll improve your chances. 

At any rate, we all hope to see you out there in the great world of RP - Our doors are always open for a drop-by! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



The date auction happened last month, and it was very fun :D 

We're still quite active with 37 roleplayers that log i n at least once a week. 

For a limited time we're making a exceptions to alts-without-mains, however these are under stricter rules for activity as we'd like to see any character in the FC be properly involved in the RP. 


For future plans, we're looking to work together with JH-RP & RD-RP for some IC airship exploration times. It'll be super fun!

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  • 1 month later...

The OP has been updated once more. 


We have also updated our application process, so it is a little longer and more thorough as we'd like to be more thorough with the recruitment process as a whole. 


We've got some exciting in-FC events on the horizon, and possibly some larger ones too. We hope you all have a very nice xmas time :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

They don't just have a new website, but a new bar too~  And I simply have to say, I'm kinda saddened it hasn't gone back to being called The Bottom!  It was both factually accurate and a timeless classic.


Oh, and a spa-bar, which is one of the greatest relaxation combinations of all time.


... sidetracked.  Anyway!  Yes, great guys and girls who run great events - just wanted to swing by and say a huge thank you on behalf of JH for the amazeballs joint bar/tavern crawl~


Something like that needs to be done again, someday.  Someday soon, in fact.  For science.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So much RP! So much patch! Too much to do! 


Life is good in KinRP, we currently have 45 active players (Individuals, active within the last 7 days) and we're seeing a good development of plots. Our social life certainly has been thriving, with our second bar-crawl joint with JH-RP was a great and hilarious success. 


Keep your eyes out for the 26th of march, as we may have something planned :) If you want to get in touch for any reason, don't be afraid of prodding me or any of the people listed in the OP.

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Heads up: As we hit our hardcap on members last night (50 Active individuals), we are closing recruitment for a time. You'll still be able to submit applications, however be aware that we may not accept you at this given moment due to space-constraints. If a slot opens up we'll be in touch. We'll update on the situation in around a month, otherwise. 



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