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Linkshell hall dated?/ Rp help.


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So I've contacted a few linkshells on the linkshell hall but it seems the leaders I meet in game have said that nearly all of them I spoke to are disbanded etc. I'm mainly looking for people to start Rping with, have yet to find somewhere to do so. So please if anyone would like to meet up message Eshyn Veneanar. Also if there are any Linkshells that I missed that are active please message me as well.


Anyway we can update the Linkshell status?

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Kind of related to this: Is there any way to sort the Linkshell Hall subforum like the others, by most recently updated? The subforum looks pretty now and it's nice to be able to sort by server, but it doesn't do me much good if I'm looking to see which have been updated recently at a quick glance.

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There are plenty of FC/LS in the Hall that aren't active but there are tons that are. You've posted in several threads in the LS hall, have you gone through their recruitment processes? I know for a fact at least one of the threads you posted in is active. Don't just look for warm bodies though, pick a theme and group that fits your playstyle and your characters.


Good ways to judge activity is how recently the thread in the LS Hall was posted in as well as checking out the FC's website. Another way is to look the FC up in game and keep an eye on how many members they have online at any given time. This isn't fool proof though. I've been in guilds with 30 members online at once who rarely talk and never actually RP and in guilds with only five or six that are super chatty with active RP.

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On your "Just Transferred" thread, I offered some information about Harbingers of Dawn and at least one other person welcomed you to his linkshell, as well. I don't know if you missed those posts or just weren't interested, but there are plenty of active linkshells out there.

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On your "Just Transferred" thread, I offered some information about Harbingers of Dawn and at least one other person welcomed you to his linkshell, as well. I don't know if you missed those posts or just weren't interested, but there are plenty of active linkshells out there.

Yes of course, I was more so stating that the Linkshell Hall does have some linkshells that i contacted that are indeed inactive and do not say at all.

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A linkshell roll call will be taking place in about a week or so in order to remove inactive linkshells from the list for this reason. It will be heavily advertised and last about a month. Any linkshells who don't respond in the corresponding thread in the time frame will be removed as part of the cleanup effort.

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A linkshell roll call will be taking place in about a week or so in order to remove inactive linkshells from the list for this reason. It will be heavily advertised and last about a month. Any linkshells who don't respond in the corresponding thread in the time frame will be removed as part of the cleanup effort.

Ah perfect. I was just going to suggest something like this, but the runners of the RPC are always a step ahead :)

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