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The new Gentleman Cat


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Hello Ladys and Gentleman,

i just got FF XIV so im fairly new, i hope it doesnt concern any of you.


Ive got lots of MMO experience and was a technical admin for several private servers back when i was young and naive. But i never fancy something like this game.


As for my Roleplay expierence, i mostly RP'ed in several Forum RP and was a bit active in WoW RP but the german RP community was not really healthy so it died long ago in several MMO's.


And for my character, ive got some ideas. Some may or not may notice, that even now i try to mix IC with OOC, its my first time not Rp'ing in my native language so please bear with me my lads. My Character Nheru'a is a Gentleman Cat to say it nicely, he once was an escort for noble ladys and sometimes even for gentleman but he got old and wanted to see the world.


But what RP im aiming towards, i dont know, maybe medium or maybe heavy, it depends what lies ahead of me, what bounds will be created and opportunity will be missed.


When you want to know more about Men behind the Cat, there isnt much to tell, im a freelancer, i fancy over most video games but when you want to know more about me i dont mind telling, just ask this humble one.


Greetings Nheru'a Ekozhan

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Welcome to the RPC! You might want to check out Europa, an OOC linkshell to find RP during EU hours. We've got quite a few Germans there! I don't know if you're looking for an EU free company but The Travellers Guild is an RP one (although recruitment is currently closed, you can join the IC linkshell and our RP is all open to public) and Eorzean Union is a PVE one. Hope to see you round on Balmung!

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Oh twelve looks like you've got the cat-folk with their backs up, you know how the tribal ones can be so I hope it doesn't worry you.


Greetings and Welcome to the RPC,


Roleplaying in your non-native language can be difficult, I often run into times when I feel English just isn't up to the task of expressing certain high-minded ideals but i've gotten used to it over the last few years and hopefully people will be as helpful towards you as they were towards me.


Rinh pointed out the primary EU shells we have here, so i'll take a moment to throw in another recommendation that is more over-arching. Intermission is an OOC shell available to all RPCers.



If you'd like a bit of refreshed of Roleplay guidelines I can't recommend a better read than, http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=1770 while it covers lots you might already know it does touch on some key points that I think are good to keep in mind.


Lastly, if you have a few minutes, please take a look at the following "welcome" post from the admin/mods here at the RPC, it addresses a few of the key features of the RPC. http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/misc.php?page=welcome


Hopefully that helps set you on your way with a bit of confidence and trust that this community is all about helping people get together for roleplay. If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to post them here or elsewhere in the forums. Take care in Eorzea, and if you see me abouts Ul'dah come say hello!

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