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Another new guy joins the fray.


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So yeah I'm new and i hope you'll treat me well. Sorry for the late(early?) post but i just got home... anyway I have been playing for a few days now getting back into the flow of how the game works didn't want to be a complete burden jumping into something new. Having said that though I'm sure there are still some things that i'll learn whilst in your care. Okay on to the important stuff.


MMORPG Background

WoW, FFXI, Aion, and Vindictus (Great gameplay imo but riddled with too many pay to win features.)


RP experience

Well other than coming up with back stories for my characters across the MMOs I've played but not having a group to actually rp with... no experience whatsoever, but while I've been getting back into the swing of things I've seen others rp so I have a general idea of how do it.


Character Ideas/Info

Born of Hyur Midlander descent Synn Heolstor is the only child of Naois Heolstor and Cinnia Heolstor. Synn spent most of his young life traveling all over Eorzea with his parents along with two Roegadyn's named Culain Bloom and Serene Bloom.

Personality wise he is calm and collected, polite yet distant with those he doesn't trust but as he warms up to people and is comfortable around them he has a tendency to be rather mischievous, has a strong sense of justice, and finally a strong dislike for the Garleans, nobles and although not as much as the first two Paladins.

At the end of his Back Story he sits at the age of 19.

(Details regarding Synn's dislike for Garleans, Nobles, and Paladins will be in the Back Story. As for why a Roegadyn has a Hyur first name, I'm planing to reveal that on a separate Back story just for him as well as one for Synn's parents but I'll refrain from writing both until I have more info.)


How did you learn of the coalition?

The FFXIV subreddit.


What kind of role-player are you aiming to be?

Probably somewhere between medium and heavy.


Anything from real life you're comfortable sharing?

Working part-time and have to share the computer with my brother so no playing every day for me (for now anyway.)

As an aspiring writer I'm hoping joining a rp group will both be fun and educational and once I get around to posting Synn's Back Story I'd appreciate critique. For now though I'm off to bed.:sleepy:

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Treating you well?What do you think is this, a friendly forum?:D

Seriously though, welcome!! We share Aion, which is more or less the only other mmo I seriously rped in, so it's always nice to see someone else from there. Vindictus...installation never worked for me and that took out all my interest!

Hope to see you around!

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Hello Synn, and welcome to the RPC as the others have said.


Theres plenty to see here, groups to meet and people to know. Hopefully the holiday season will provide you get get involved with some cheer, both in game and out. I have a bit of information to provide, hopefully set you out into Eorzea with an idea of what you might like to do. If nothing else, rest assured that there are many here that are open to questions of all sorts so please don't hesitate to ask.


First off!


This welcome post should provide you with a bit of information about the RPC itself as well as some of the features of the site that could come in handy. There's more besides, though much of it is on the forums themselves, such as the Mumble, and the Skype shared channels.


If you'd like to take some time to get to know more about Roleplaying as a whole, and FFXIV Roleplay in Particular, Eva has written an extensive handbook featured:


Not exactly a "light read" I think it provides (if you have the time.) a very solid foundation of information to expand off of. OF note, the sections on Teleportaion and "the echo" are of particular importance.


But perhaps you'd like to jump right in and get to know the people of Balmung. While you're always able to message people here, or pop into the world and flag some one down, there are also a few linkshells dedicated to getting people together Out of Character in the hopes of building the community.



"Intermission" Is a general OOC group that serves to facilitate getting to know the people behind the character in a conversational manner, just chat about what you might see, or how the days going, where people might be, what they might be up to ect.



"Balmungs Finest" is for PVE content, Dungeons, Duties, Trials and much else, if its group based, chances are some ones making a group for it, or is willing to join your own. I really like the chance to work with people on Balmung before having to pull from other servers via the duty finder, I think it promotes working through the rough parts and explaining things instead of just dropping group at the first sign of trouble.


Phew! with all that aside, the character concept sounds interesting, and its good to see you have some experience in previous MMOs! while I never had the chance to try Aion, i've heard some good things.


Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns, i'll do my best to address them. In the meantime, best of luck out in Eorzea! :cactuar:

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Hey there, welcome! It's good to have you here, especially as another aspiring writer! :D Feel free to say hello if you see me around! Though IC, it sounds like Faye is just about everything Synn dislikes!

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Haha thanks for the warm welcome everyone. And @ Olofantur thanks for the information but I've already gone through most of that after posting here and already have a wiki page set up.:P I've added some more info about Synn there so take a look if your interested and tell me what you think.:D

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Haha thanks for the warm welcome everyone. And @ Olofantur thanks for the information but I've already gone through most of that after posting here and already have a wiki page set up.:P I've added some more info about Synn there so take a look if your interested and tell me what you think.:D


Hai hai,


i've seen you post around, but you'd be amazed by the number of people who don't, better safe than sorry as they say.


cheers :cactuar:

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