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[B] The Winter Promenade

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"A ball under the night snows of eorzea, A strange event occuring always aroudn this time in Eorzea. Merry times will be celebrated and the memorable events of this year will be spoken of. The ball is proudly funded by Limsa Limosa and several supporting parties. "



Sunday 29th December - 7:00-9:30 CST

(adjustable depending on demand)

(May run over time!)



Moraby Docks - Lower La Noscea



(Searching for....)



1. Socialise and drink, dance, enjoy.

2. Speeches, thanks, blessings.

3. Repeat 1.

4. Entertainment show

5. Raffle winners / competition winners.





1000 gil a ticket, the pot will be split two ways.

For two raffle winners! You can pick a number between 1 and 100.

Limit to ten tickets per customer!

(this is a non profit event!)


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/y [[ Hello! and welcome roleplayers! Raffle tickets are 1k each! The numbers are on the RPC as well as the pot (86k currently!) PST me for tickets!]


Current raffle pot:

139,000 gil!



1. Remi Dahvees

2. Nebula Stardancer

3. Armi Alliando

4. Mizuru Chibaki

5. Haru Qwey

6. Val Nunh

7. Val Nunh

8. Val Nunh

9. Mackenna Macleod

10. Darien Cadell

11. Remi Dahvees

12. Dogberry Himalspyr

13. Akiha Kahlia

14. Akiha Kahlia

15. Akiha Kahlia

16. K'alia Yohko

17. Val Nunh

18. Akiha Kahlia

19. Akiha Kahlia

20. Akiha Kahlia

21. Remi Dahvees

22. Darien Cadell

23. Akiha Kahlia

24. Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa

25. Darien Cadell

26. Armi Alliando

27. Mizuru Chibaki

28. C'hito K'yzen

29. Nebula Stardancer

30. Raine Rylin

31. Remi Dahvees

32. K'alia Yohko

33. Raine Rylin

34. C'hito K'yzen

35. Nebula Stardancer

36. Dogberry Himalspyr

37. Haru Qwey

38. Val Nunh

39. Darien Cadell

40. Lum Delume

41. Remi Dahvees

42. Haru Qwey

43. U'roh Tia

44. Akiha Kahlia

45. Akiha Kahlia

46. Akiha Kahlia

47. Lum Delume

48. Ellion Goto

49. Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa

50. Ellion Goto

51. Remi Dahvees

52. Ellion Goto

53. Ellion Goto

54. C'hito K'yzen

55. K'alia Yohko

56. Haru Qwey

57. Lainseworth Ravencraft

58. Lainseworth Ravencraft

59. Lainseworth Ravencraft

60. Lainseworth Ravencraft

61. Remi Dahvees

63. Val Nunh

64. Val Nunh

65. Ellion Goto

66. Ellion Goto

67. Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa

68. Ellion Goto

69. Ellion Goto

70. Ellion Goto

71. Remi Dahvees

72. Val Nunh

73. Dogberry Himalspyr

74. U'Roh Tia

75. Haru Qwey

76. C'hito K'yzen

77. Nebula Stardancer

78. Val Nunh

79. K'aworu Demiir

80. Ellion Goto

81. Remi Dahvees

82 Nebula Stardancer

83. Darien Cadell

84. Armi Alliando

85. Armi Alliando

86. Armi Alliando

87. Armi Alliando

88. Armi Alliando

89. Armi Alliando

90. Armi Alliando

91. Remi Dahvees

92. Armi Alliando

93. Mizuru Chibaki

94. Mizuru Chibaki

95 Mizuru Chibaki

96. K'Alia Yohko

98. K'alia Yohko

99. Val Nunh

100. C'hito K'yzen

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