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Palaldin just can't find the right type of RP FC!


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Two things!


For some reason I am not able to post this in the right section. I saw a different section for FC recruitment but it says I am not allowed to post there. :(



I'm trying to find a Company for Ailles, but I don't see much recruitment in game. I see the usual group of people RPing within their group most of the time, and indeed it is hard to tell who roleplays or not on Balmung. I started keeping track of RPers on my friends list, but ever since this patch came in with Housing, its been pretty empty. 


Can I get some recruitment posts on this post for RP Companies? Remember, Paladin. No ebil stuff!

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I'd recommend taking a look at these since they all sound like they'd cater to a paladin-esque character (I'm not a part of any of these, just giving friendly plugs):



Harbingers of Dawn

The Lighthouse

Traveling Templar


Aethereal Warriors


Also, you can post on each LS/FC's individual listing, just not in the FC section itself. It's likely to avoid clutter or something of the like. Anyway, hope you find something!

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There are a loooot of 'good'-aligned groups in the linkshell section of this website. Kimset just posted a few.  Unless you're looking for more of a 'Knights' theme - then that's a tiny bit harder to find.

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You can check out mine (The Clandestine, icly known as The Kindred) in the LS section, but we are EU based - with a few daytime US players. 

We're a neutral for-profit company. And even if you don't feel for us, you can always hit us up for RP :)

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I'm online now, and I don't see any one who I am interested online at the moment.


Online in the game, or here on RPC? Either way, we're getting super close to Christmas... Most people are away with family, out shopping, or maybe working still. You're not going to see anywhere near as much activity around here (or in-game) until after New Year's.


You can always leave people messages here on the forums. They'll get to them when they have the chance. Be patient!

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