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Hi there. ^_^ The name’s Achaius and I am terrible atintroductions, just to get that off the bat. That’s why I used the sections below, which I found when looking at Rickter’s intro post. :P


I’ve been RPing in GW2 and RO2 recently, expanding frommy days of Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf Pen and Paper RPGs.


I’m also somewhat of a Let’s Player, but don’t let thatput you off. xD


--MMORPG background

I actually started on MMOs when I got Guild Wars 1. From there I played Legend of Mir, FFXI, RO, RO2, GW2, Secret World, Rift and many others. I’m also one of those people who never played WoW… xD


--RP experience

Aside from D&D, Vampire, Werewolf and some LARP, I’ve not really done much…. ;)


--Character ideas/info

My main is actually only level 22, since I was playing a different character before but when a close friend from GW2 started to play, I rerolled and created Ilixxie Fleur, my Elezen archer who I have since fallen in love with as a character. In terms of ideas for her character, she is a fun-loving and rather socially inept young sprite who does many things people find strange, such as breaking into dance or song when embarrassed. She dreams of being a famous treasure hunter or singer (therefore, she’ll be a Bard. See what I did there? :P)


My second character is Achaius Caiodheach, named sobecause it’s my youtube name. She’s a level 34 dragoon and I have no backstory created for her yet…. xD


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Was looking around for information on RP in FFXIV and was sent here by Google. xD


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

To be honest, I’m more of a medium RPers. I love long winded storylines full of twists and turns, but due to real life commitments I can’t always be online and found that I have missed things in RPs in GW2 because I couldn’t get there. So I can’t really go in too deep with a heavy RP in case life cals me away. xD


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc) 

I work in SEO, making sure websites are Google friendly.I’m 25 (will be 26 in one month and 2 days xD), married and am an avid gamer, having started with a megadrive and Atari, then getting a PSX and a Commodore 64 (weird pairing I know). Since then, I’ve stuck the playstation and PC and not looked back. xD



And I don’t really know what else to say, so I’ll justsay nice to meet you! Oh! Yeah! I’m on Sargatanas. That’s probably some good info to put here. ^__^

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--How did you learn about the coalition?

Was looking around for information on RP in FFXIV and was sent here by Google. xD


Google: "Oh jeez, its another one of THOSE people... Better send this person to THAT site..."


Good ol Google.


Welcome to the community!

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Welcome to RPC!


Commodore and Atari... ah yes, I remember those.  But once I discovered PC gaming, I've not looked back. 


I have no idea what the RP is like on Sargatanas, but hopefully this forum can put you in contact with those who are there!

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