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Happy New Year! :)


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.. From Denmark, where it's been 2014 for approx 35 minutes now :) 


What are your hopes for the new year? Any goals? 


I hope you all have/had a very awesome night :D



Why hullo thurrr lady from Denmark :P


Hope your New Years Day has been going splendidly! 


Hmm, hopes and goals, huh? I usually don't ever do the 'New Year Resolution' thing but I suppose if there is anything, it's to push myself through college all the way :P Fortunately, so far, so good!

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My New Year's Resolution is to not make any.


Wait, that was my resolution last year.


Damn. I need to come up with a new one. Perhaps... preventing others from achieving theirs? :)


Wait, I know: I resolve to wish people success in the coming year, especially with their resolutions.


Cheers! *insert glass clink sound here*

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