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Good King Mog Assist?


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Hello, Hydaelites!


As you can likely guess by the title, I'm looking for a little bit of help with the cutest boss in the entire game. It's fair to say this fight has me rather frustrated at the moment due to myself knowing the fight inside out. However, as it is with PUGs... Something goes wrong!


So! If we have any Moogle Veterans, I would very much like a boost through this. :< Well, not a boost, per se, but y'know. :) I'm available whenever on weekends and (as of next week) all day Tuesday through Thursday.


Please help... My dreams are starting to fill with moogles. o_o Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mooooog. Lord of all the laaaaand. Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mooooog. Rules with an iron haaaaaand.





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king mog is puggable as long as you drill the kill order into everyone's skulls, number mark targets in order, and warn party to run out of black aoes in phase 2


solid dps is key, kill order is blm > whm > pld > brd > thf > rng > war


low dps / standing still in aoes / letting people stay charmed = wipe


remind everyone to:


- stun blm flare


- esuna healers and tanks if they get charmed by pld


- get away from pld if king empowers him


- stay away from the king while mt tanks him far away from the group, save him for last


when in doubt, avoid duty finder, use party finder and set a minimum ilvl if you feel it's necessary. but most pugs will clear thornmarch as long as you take the time to explain the strat in detail

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