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I'm ready.....I think


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Greetings roleplayers. I'm brand new to roleplaying but I've been thinking about it since 1.0. I've run out of excuses so now is the time (and I'm very nervous).


Just a bit of background - My very first MMO was FFXI where I just assumed everyone roleplayed. I played a male tarutaru with a lisp - probably not a good choice and sure enough, it was a ghastly experience. My roleplaying career ended before it had begun.


It wasn't until Rift that I realised there were actual roleplaying servers! I was playing with a bunch of fellow Aussies however and didn't really want to leave them.


Then came 1.0 and I became increasingly intrigued. I dabbled a bit but mostly observed. I knew I definitely wanted to roleplay in 2.0 however I just wasn't feeling it on my Legacy character. I recently climbed Kilimanjaro with my husband and I took a whole lot of information from the website including Eva's roleplaying guide to wile away the long (and freezing cold) nights and it was then I decided to start Yehn, a purely roleplaying character and so far I'm loving it (is it weird that I'm roleplaying by myself?).


I am very inexperienced although I've tried to arm myself with as much knowledge as possible (and I've been observing as Eva suggested). My biggest fear is meta-gaming and to that end I haven't read any blogs or journals so I know nothing about anybody other than what I overhear out and about (Yehn is largely disinterested anyway).


My personal ambitions for my game is that I would like to get to endgame (Coils, Crystal Tower, etc.). PvP is also a possibility in a team-based setting (I'm like a possum caught in carlights one-on-one). As far as Yehn is concerned I would like her to get there at her own pace. I love the idea of meeting up with roleplayers ingame through the normal course of playing. I'm not sure what sort of Free Company would suit her so again, I'm hoping that will come about as I roleplay.


To that end I just have one question. At times I have come across roleplaying in various areas and a few times I would have liked to get involved but I was too nervous (for example, there is a bard who sings from time to time at the Carline Canopy. I would have liked to have bought him an anonymous drink as a thank you). Is it alright to do that sort of thing if one isn't actually part of the organised roleplay? I am just intrigued as to what it might lead to.


Please forgive me for such a long post but I've been planning this for a long time and I'm very excited (and nervous....... but mostly excited)!

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HI! Welcome to the site!


Yeah, I was the same way when I first started RP. It's good that you read Eva's guide.


I found tavern RP to be intimidating at first, so I stuck to events and the such. One event that I highly recommend is the Grindstone event. Look it up under Balmung events. The event is hosted by the Grindstone Free Company twice a week.


Its a good event because you can watch RP combat at its finest, and you don't have to participate. You can simply be a spectator. There are always lots of spectators you can RP with. However, because the matches are the focal point, you won't be the center of attention, and any RP you get involved in will likely be slow-paced, short and simple. In other words, it would be like casually talking to other spectators while everyone is mostly focused on the matches. Very easy-going RP if you ask me.


If you are more looking for one-on-one RP to start then try making a post on the RP section. If anyone responds, use player-search to find them in-game, and take it from there.


Happy hunting :)

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Hello there and welcome! It's good to meet you! :D To answer your question, most people don't mind if you join in on their RP! Jump right in! If you're uncertain, you can send a tell to one/any/all of the RPers involved and asked if you can join. Most people will say yes and welcome you with open arms.

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Hey there! Welcome to the RPC!


MMO based RP is daunting at first - this is only the second game I've actually done it in. But I can say that without a doubt, once you start, you'll find a groove fairly quickly and feel right at home. Although, that also depends on -who- you find.


Anyway, if you'd like some RP for practice, give me a tell in game. (Character is Shizu Ayana) or send me a freinds request and such. I'd be happy to help you get accustomed to MMO RP!


And, if you're interested, you can check out some of the Linkshell and Free Company listings here on the RPC. I feel I should recommend The Hungry Wolf because I'm one of it's leaders. We're small and probably a good place to take an easy-going approach to getting used to MMO RP. But, to be fair, there are a number of Shells and Companies that cater to the same, I'm sure.


Anyway, hope to hear from you! And enjoy the game!

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Thank you so much for the responses. I shall definitely keep my eyes peeled for events so you'll probably see me lurking (and reading these forums I don't think I'm the only one heh). If I'm not on Yehn I'll be on Daintrie Yinsah, my appallingly undergeared legacy character. I've been missing her so I'm still tossing up whether to roleplay on Yehn or Daintrie. We'll see!

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