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Mighty rusty at this kind of business, so I guess the standard template will have to suffice for ice breaking purposes!


--I haven't had much experience with MMORPGs really. After many very brief stints with the small scale free MMOs, Spent about 2 months on Final Fantasy XI but quit since I was always really playing alone. I then had a short experience with Guild Wars 2 I kinda enjoyed. Then some friends of mine poked me and convinced me to get FFXIV which I actually got hooked on. First MMO ever to succeed.


--From the outset, I'll say I've never roleplayed on an MMO before. I have, however, had some experience in a lot of different roleplay forums and even some small roleplays on chat clients. Been meaning to explore this new avenue 


--I was thinking of playing a character rather like me, and in that sense rather like how my character is working out. Call me unusual, but I've been much more extremely focused on the crafting and gathering aspects of the game over the main combat. I've famously spent a few hours crafting things while my friends chatted with me during their dungeoneering hahaha


--I found out about the coalition by, well, looking for RP possibilities in FFXIV. Simple enough hahaha


--I'm really not sure how deep I'm going to dive in. For the moment I'm thinking in the realm of light-medium since I do like to actually "play" the game, but we'll see.


--I'm generally open about talking about my life and such. To push off I guess I can say I'm a 22 year old student (finishing my BAC soon!) and like my character I have a lot of crafting hobbies hahahaha

For the moment, I'm in the Faerie server with all of my friends who got me into the game. I'm aware that it's not at all one of the classic servers, but for the moment it's where I'm sitting. We'll see how things go in the future. I'd love it if I could find a linkshell in my server though!


Anyways, pleasure to be here!

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Welcome to the RPC!


There are tons of info. regarding lore and anything you need to find out about FFXIV so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! The RPC are full of friendly members so it's not hard to make any friends.


And good luck with finishing your BAC.


One last thing, ignore the Ewoks. *Runs around in circles while attempting to remove an Ewok from his head*

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