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Kage Kiryuu


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I. Basic Info

Characters: Kage Kiryuu

Linkshells: Open RP, Tentative Allies

Primary RP linkshell: None



II. RP Style

Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

Light to Medium. This means that I am generally doing PVE things. All that you need to do is send me a /tell or contact me to ask me if I will RP with you. We can most likely work something out. While I am not always IC, we can find a reason. If you see Kage as a class/job that is not WAR/MRD/ARC/BRD, then I am absolutely OOC. While those are listed, Kage does not have a job/soulstone.


Views on RP combat and injuries:

No powergaming, metagaming, god-moding or what not. All such things will be ignored.  I absolutely prefer for this to be done with people whom I am familiar with. I prefer RPing the combat through emotes rather than RNG. Kage is trained in combat and losing every single roll to a bandit is ridiculous. On the other hand, he does take his licks, and I am willing to have him be injured or hurt. Loss of limb must be talked about beforehand. I also dislike the use of teleport in combat, and would prefer any attempt to be discussed or come with heavy handicaps as it is not easy to teleport while in combat.


Views on IC romance:

I'm not opposed to it but I definitely would prefer being contacted about it and whatnot so I can understand where it's going to be taken and how it may or may not play out. It's an aspect of life and I don't mind it at all. Most importantly, I want it to be organic and not forced. If our characters cannot even get along in a non-romantic RP then it will not go into IC romantic RP.


Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

Still perfectly fine and in fact, I love to have this. It helps build character and establishes relationships that build a life. Life isn't just about romance; it's about meeting people. Whether or not they hate you IC or not is a different matter.


Views on lore:

My preference is to stay true to lore. Depending, I can allow for bending of lore. I do not like to break lore outright.


Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

/say  and /em is almost strictly for roleplay, IC purposes however with friends it may not always be IC.

The use of (( )) will always indicate OOC.

If a linkshell is to be used IC, it must always be used IC and indicated as such.

/tell will be used primarily for OOC functions however it will be obvious if it is used for RP.

/em leans in and whispers.
/tell  "This isn't what it looks like. Bad people are watching. It's an act."



III. Other Info

Country: United States

Timezone:Pacific/GMT-8 ((Usually, with some exceptions, Mon-Thur 4pm-10pm, Late Fri evening- Sat Midnight, Sat 9am-Sun 9pm))

Contact info: Feel free to PM me here or send a /tell in-game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some updates with Kage.


It's now become known to a few of Kage's friends that while he's told many of them that he used Goldsmithing to help make ends meet as an in-training Gladiator... he's studied relentlessly under his mother into the black magicks. His father's family is indeed a line of Goldsmiths but his mother's family has all dealt with thaumaturgy and some black magic. While he wasn't 'forced'  to become a black mage, he had found it unfulfilling to live life as one.


This is why we see him now training to become a Paladin so that one day he may be like the awesome Papashan. None of Kage's friends cared much but for the fact that he's not a liability in case a couple of them find themselves in danger.


Kage will soon start to face his own trials, getting several steps closer to being sworn. Hopefully. Having lived life without a real purpose, it slapped him in the face when he saw papashan.

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  • 3 months later...



Kage has been moved to the Brass Blades.


Under very strange and unknown circumstances, Kage has found himself a Miqo'te. It seems permanent and the only lasting effects appear to be his inability to use aether without hurting himself or his ability to adjust to the new size, balance, etc.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

It seems that Kage's misfortune has been turning around. The secret-unknown-by-all-garlean experiment ended in failure. It was not a permanent transformation and Kage has since reverted back to his true original form.


His relationship with Natalie has since changed as a lalafell can't quite meet her needs.


Cat beds work though.

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  • 1 month later...

Made some updates.


Kage has left to recluse himself from everyone as he doesn't know anyone who has come. On and off he may be found in the Quicksand drinking or looking for paid work otherwise he is out in the Thanalan training.

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  • 1 year later...

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