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Mountainfolk Lalafell


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Hey, all! I'm been thumbling around a character concept in my noggin recently, but to play this character it would require a *GASP* non-canonical race! So, I thought I would bring to you guys what I thought of for the race and see what y'all think.



Race: Lalafell

Sub-Race: Mountainfolk



A sub-race of Lalafell from a far-off continent which have flourished in the cold, harsh and mountainous environs of their homeland. This is rather the opposite of the other Lalafell as they are adverse to the cold. They have accomplished this through a variety of biological adaptations (which I shall go in to detail about later) and building their homes either in to the rocky surfaces of the mountains and tapping geothermal heat or living in boroughs under the grounds surface. The Lalafell have been proven ingenious time and time again, so I don't think tapping geothermal heat for their benefit is too far cast.


About the Homeland:

The Mountainfolk herald from a mountainous region of a continent North of Eorzea. Frozen on the surface, past conflicts between other races spanning millennia have creatied deep deposits of aether below it's surface, aether which through the great pressure built upon it has solidified to create great crystal deposits. Many of these crystals are fire-aspected, creating geothermal hotspots beneath the landscape.


On the surface, it is a harsh place to dwell, greenery being scarce and only the most hardy predators or resourceful creatures surviving. However, this region is not without sentient life, the Mountainfolk living near unopposed since they settled the mountains. Building their homes in the ground or the rocky faces of mountains, these ingenious people have figured out a way to tap in to the crystals of battles past and used the heat generated to heat their homes and, ultimately, keep them able to survive. Their reliance on heat for survival has bred a somewhat unhealthy obsession with fire magic in some individuals, but overall the Mountainfolk are not as magically gifted as their two sister-races.


Choosing alchemy and hunting over magic, the Mountainfolk are expert archers and spearmen, hunting out on the snowy ridges to bring back food for their families. Academia is not lost among them, however, many showing that all-too-Lalafell trait of devoting their lives to learning and the alchemical arts.


There is not so much a "capital city" for the Mountainfolk as much as a vast underground network in a seemingly plain part of the region, at it's center is the dwelling of the High Mogul. The High Mogul is not so much a king or queen as a wise elder, advising the Mountainfolk on how they should lead their lives in the interests of their people.


Having never really had outside conflicts with other races before (they settled this region long after the wars of old took place, only moving in when they knew it was safe. I'm thinking they were nomads before?), the Mountainfolk never saw it necessary to raise an army. After all, they survived off hunting prey and furthering their underground networks, why would they possibly need an army?


Well, y'know how I said they came from the North? Probably should have raised an army... Garlemald came a'knocking. Though they resisted, there was little the Mountainfolk could do as their numbers were slaughtered by the legions of Garlemald until the High Mogul at the time decided they had to surrender. Their homeland now Garlean-occupied territory, they "enjoy" the prosperity of the Empire. Researching alchemy and breeding warriors for the Garlean ranks are their main use for the Empire.


Every so often, an exceptional Mountainfolk will emerge, only to be plucked by Garlemald to be groomed in to an asset of the Legions. 


Some Mountainfolk thank the Empire, however, whether this be to the fact they face death if they do not or something else, it varies from each. It cannot be denied that through making use of the Mountainfolk services, they have prospered under Garlean rule. Even if it isn't voluntary. Heck, one might even go so far to say that the Garlean occupation has changed the Mountainfolk, breeding underground (quite literally) crime syndicates and greed through the introduction of formal currency. Since the invasion, Garlemald has also built military barracks upon the once barren surface of this region. The Mountainfolk allow them to do this in exchange for keeping their mountain-face homes and the protection of the Empire.


Patron Deity:

Since Garlemalds' occupation of their homeland, worship of the Twelve has been both outlawed and fallen in to dis-favour with the Mountainfolk. However, in times past, the Mountainfolk would pay their respects to Oschon, god of travellers and vagrants. This worship often paid homage to their roots as a nomadic people. Oschon, also being the God of Mountains, was believed to have guided their people to their homeland. Though, with the decline and banishment of worship, such things remain mere fairytales.


Racial Traits:

In adapting to this environment, multiple biological changes have taken place, including:


- Longer eyelashes for keeping their eyes clear of snow.

- The glaze over their eyes that Dunesfolk have, but for snow glare (the intense light when the Sun shines off snow) rather than pure sunlight.

- Pale skin. Because they would hardly be tanning.

- Smaller stature than other Lalafell (minimum height setting). This is an adaptation for squeezing through tiny crags to  get around as much as it is for staying hidden.

- Potentially less fine hair than other Lalafell, for the purpose of heat retention.

- An adversity to the heat. *Wanders through Thanalan* "Geez... This heat is unbearable..."



Of course, some Mountainfolk would exist outside Garlean rule, but I would say given the nature of their occupancy that they would be the least likely race to escape Garlemald's influence.



Thoughts on Naming:

Due to the Mountainfolk being from outside Eorzea, I figured they would have separate naming conventions. Much like their Dunesfolk cousins, the Mountainfolk first names tend to take the phonetic pattern of: "A-A-B", ie. Sasaru, Momodi, Chichiro. Surnames take the phonetic pattern "C-A-B", "C" being the name of their clan.


Example names: Sasaru Icha'saru (Sasaru of Clan Icha), Momodi Besu'modi (Momodi of Clan Besu), Chichiro Dobu'chiro (Chichiro of Clan Dobu)


The seven major clans of the Mountainfolk are as follows:


- Moku ("The Fighters") <-- Warriors, mostly in service of Garlemald post-invasion.


- Raji ("The Hunters") <-- Hunter-Gatherers. Not so much use now, but their name still carries weight.


- Icha ("The Thinkers") <-- Alchemists, scholars and tinkerers. Geniuses of varying levels of eccentricity.


- Rua ("The Speakers") <-- Diplomats. Chirpy fellows that just find it hard to shut up.


- Besu ("The Fair") <-- The most beautiful and charming of the clans. They have their ways...


- Kusa ("The Savages") <-- Berserkers and just generally wild in nature. Anger and unpredictability rule their judgement. They took much more to the outside frozen wastes than the boroughs of their people. Though they hold a place as a major clan, this is disputed.


- Dobu ("The Masons") <-- Architects, visionaries and philosophers. The Dobu were responsible for carving out the underground network that is Mountainfolk society. Clan Dobu often holds a place close to the High Mogul's heart.



High Mogul Elections:

Though the High Mogul is now thought to be a puppet of Garlemald, there is no particular order to which clan the High Mogul will come from. At the passing of the current Mogul, the seven major clans would meet together and nominate one of their own to take the position of High Mogul. This meticulous process can take weeks, but once the most worthy, reputed and/or wise of the candidates has been chosen, the new High Mogul will take office.






Sooooo... What do you guys think? A totally ludicrous idea or could it possibly pass as an acceptable concept? This is just the raw basics of the race.

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I was thinking about the naming conventions. Since you said you liked dunesfolk names could it be First Name Clan'Suffix?


That's similar to the sultan family's use of Ul'. Nanamo Namo is instead Nanamo Ul'namo.


So for mountainfolk, if Momodi Modi was from the fair clan, her name would be Momodi Besu'modi.

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I was thinking about the naming conventions. Since you said you liked dunesfolk names could it be First Name Clan'Suffix?


That's similar to the sultan family's use of Ul'. Nanamo Namo is instead Nanamo Ul'namo.


So for mountainfolk, if Momodi Modi was from the fair clan, her name would be Momodi Besu'modi.


I like that idea. I like it a lot. O.o As a matter of fact... *Stealthily edits post*

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@Mijisaa: Thank you very much! Funnily enough, that is where the concept came from (to a degree). I read about Lalafell being adverse to the cold and was like "What a shame... Wait a minute!". :angel:




@Karu: I'm so glad that you felt inspired! If you want a Mountainfolk, add Neneru Raji'neru. :D I plan on making him a small Garlean with a spear.



It's great to see that a non-canon race can get such a great reception. ^.^ I shall continue to add to the racial lore, etc. as and when inspiration strikes.

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Really wanting to make one of these guys. What's done of the lore is very nice, they seem to fit into the world well. I've been dying to play a Lala and this has given me the punch I've been needing. Before I make the character though, I'm a little confused. Are the naming conventions for men and women the same?

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Really wanting to make one of these guys. What's done of the lore is very nice, they seem to fit into the world well. I've been dying to play a Lala and this has given me the punch I've been needing. Before I make the character though, I'm a little confused. Are the naming conventions for men and women the same?


I tried to make them fit as much as possible, which was rather strenuous, so thanks! And I see no reason why the female naming conventions would be any different, except for perhaps more soft sounding names. In terms of naming, they are like all other Lalafell except with the surname. :)

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As said before, there is always the possibility that the occasional Mountainfolk would slip through Garlemald's grasp. However, given the nature of their Garlean occupancy (ie. military outposts built on their lands "for defence", the Garleans conditioning the Mountainfolk to believe they are there for their own good, the snowy plains of their homeland being near void of hiding places) it would be immensely difficult for one to escape, or even want to escape.


In relation to RP, I think there are a fair number of Garlean RPers and linkshells/Free Companies alike. So it shouldn't be too hard. (And, if your character is of Garlemald and in Eorzea, it's not like they're going to run around shouting "FOR GARLEMALD! FOR THE EMPIRE!", are they? You're likely to be a spy or some such.)

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As said before, there is always the possibility that the occasional Mountainfolk would slip through Garlemald's grasp. However, given the nature of their Garlean occupancy (ie. military outposts built on their lands "for defence", the Garleans conditioning the Mountainfolk to believe they are there for their own good, the snowy plains of their homeland being near void of hiding places) it would be immensely difficult for one to escape, or even want to escape.


In relation to RP, I think there are a fair number of Garlean RPers and linkshells/Free Companies alike. So it shouldn't be too hard. (And, if your character is of Garlemald and in Eorzea, it's not like they're going to run around shouting "FOR GARLEMALD! FOR THE EMPIRE!", are they? You're likely to be a spy or some such.)


On that note it is a real shame that the Garlean gear, salute, and mount are all part of the end-game story quests... thats a LOT of leveling to do for some gear and an emote.

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As said before, there is always the possibility that the occasional Mountainfolk would slip through Garlemald's grasp. However, given the nature of their Garlean occupancy (ie. military outposts built on their lands "for defence", the Garleans conditioning the Mountainfolk to believe they are there for their own good, the snowy plains of their homeland being near void of hiding places) it would be immensely difficult for one to escape, or even want to escape.


In relation to RP, I think there are a fair number of Garlean RPers and linkshells/Free Companies alike. So it shouldn't be too hard. (And, if your character is of Garlemald and in Eorzea, it's not like they're going to run around shouting "FOR GARLEMALD! FOR THE EMPIRE!", are they? You're likely to be a spy or some such.)


On that note it is a real shame that the Garlean gear, salute, and mount are all part of the end-game story quests... thats a LOT of leveling to do for some gear and an emote.


This I must agree with. :( However, one can always custom emote and wear gear that looks like it could be Garlean (ie. Dye it red. :P). Though, if you're not wanting to be detected, I reckon you'd wear Eorzean gear.


Posted by Ildur - Today 04:12 PM


Add "Traditionally have long beards" to the racial traits and I'm sold. Though I don't think Squee would ever give lalas long beards.


Haha! That is the one thing that separates them from Final Fantasy-ified dwarves, I suppose. Feel free to give yours facial hair. :moogle: (Oddly enough, I never noticed the likeness to dwarves until people said.)

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  • 7 months later...

I never thought of creating an entirely new sub-race for my lalafell, but Queen would fit in perfectly as a Mountainfolk.


In fact, if you're alright with it, I'd like to consider her as such in her Wiki and info.  =O  It makes so much more sense than her being a Dunesfolk who is not from the desert.


I know this post is months old, but I just happened upon it aha.

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I was a bit concerned when I saw that you were making a fan-race, but I honestly can't find a thing wrong with it. I think it's a great idea! Although, by your naming conventions, shouldn't your character be Neneru Raji'neru? Looks like on page one you said you'd named him Neneru Raji. 


Also, I love that they've evolved to be smaller than normal lalafells. Mostly because, given how natural selection usually works, this means that all the bigger moutain folk died off because they all got stuck at some point :lol:

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  • 2 years later...

Apologies for bringing this old old post from the grave!


I was curious if such a race would still even be viable after all that has happened in the MSQ and what not.


What are the thoughts on those who might happen to see this due to my little bump of a post? It would be a shame for something a bit creative to be lost in the void if people could perchance make an interesting character concept.

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Oh my god, this idea is amazing. I love it. I'm actually tempted to transfer another character... or a few.


As for MSQ, I think it still would be. Maybe even some mountainfolk could be from Othard and have lived sort of alongside maybe the Xaela.

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