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RP with me!

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Yo! New to the game and joined in with two friends who are also RPers. 



--MMORPG background

World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, Star Trek Online, The Secret World, LOTRO



--RP experience

Stretches back a dozen years. Started out forum-based in NationStates and roleplayed in the above-mentioned MMOs as well.



--Character ideas/info

I've put up a wiki page: Dietrich Dracht 



I'll probably be joining the Flame Soldiers but also looking for connections and RP hooks! I'd also like to join a linkshell or two, so would love suggestions & to be hooked up to them!



--How did you learn about the coalition?

Link from a friend who probably googled it!



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?




--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm Dutch! 

EDIT: I filled in the user template for RP preferences as well. http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=6535]Link here!

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--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm Dutch! 

EDIT: I filled in the user template for RP preferences as well. http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=6535]Link here!


Welkom op de RPC. Mijn naam is Eirikir, aangename kennismaking. Ik kom uit Volendam oorspronkelijk.


At least I was until I was 12 or so. I've been in the US for a bit now so my Dutch is shaky at times. I visit family there every so often.


And I will totally RP with you brother.

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Okay, no, I'm kidding. Welcome to the RPC forums, man. o 3o You're welcome to poke me in-game any time if you wanna do some roleplay and stuff.





Ps. I'm French (Canadian)! Which has nothing to do with Dutch at all! :D Yay for being super awesome and foreign though! /highfives

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Okay, no, I'm kidding. Welcome to the RPC forums, man. o 3o You're welcome to poke me in-game any time if you wanna do some roleplay and stuff.





Ps. I'm French (Canadian)! Which has nothing to do with Dutch at all! :D Yay for being super awesome and foreign though! /highfives



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Cripes, Erik set the bar really high with his opening in Dutch.  ;_;


So, I'll just say "Hello!"  "Welcome to the RPC"  toss some confetti and then go sit in my couch, feeling inadequate and eating Pringles while marathoning Vikings. 




I kid, I kid.  Welcome!  Feel free to look me up if you'd like! <3

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Cripes, Erik set the bar really high with his opening in Dutch.  ;_;


So, I'll just say "Hello!"  "Welcome to the RPC"  toss some confetti and then go sit in my couch, feeling inadequate and eating Pringles while marathoning Vikings. 




I kid, I kid.  Welcome!  Feel free to look me up if you'd like! <3


Sorry :blush:, I grew up in a town called Volendam north of Amsterdam until I was 12 when we moved to the States (my mother is from FL). After that I went back every year to visit until I was in my twenties, when I started going several times a year as I wanted.


I don't get to play with other Netherlanders often so I got really excited. I also got to use my real name, most North Americans have trouble saying it so I don't get to use it often.


Bedankt! / Thank you both! Look forward to meeting you in-game as well. n_n


Geen dank! Eén taal is nooit genoeg, ja?

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Oh, no no! Please don't apologize!  You should be very proud of that heritage.  I'm just jelly you know the language as well as you do.


As a half-Greek myself, I've almost no grasp of the Greek language, save for a few courtesy words....but I wanna learn.  <3  Truly, nothing to apologize for.  :3

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Oh, no no! Please don't apologize!  You should be very proud of that heritage.  I'm just jelly you know the language as well as you do.


As a half-Greek myself, I've almost no grasp of the Greek language, save for a few courtesy words....but I wanna learn.  <3  Truly, nothing to apologize for.  :3



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I'm looking to start a casual RP FC. Casual in the sense that I don't intend it to be a hardcore FC in general. But hardcore in terms of dedication to RP. Please PM me if interested...this goes for anyone.


Bout to make a thread about it.

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My family is dutch, so I can kind of relate a little bit, though I have NO knowledge of the language. My grandfather's family came across the giant pond to the US.


My dad always likes to remind me of it by saying "If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much." xD. Needless to say my family is a bit proud of their heritage.


Anyways...Welcome to the RP and Balmung! Hope to see you around the server :).

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