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'Ello 'ello!

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I uh, I'm bad with intros, so.... hiiiiii. Looking for a FC to roll with though, rp oriented obviously. :D



--MMORPG background

FFXI, FFXIV, GW1 and 2, PSO2, RO1-2


--RP experience

Years of experience, ranging back to the old MSN days.


--Character ideas/info

Adapting my character to the FF world, was in his own little universe before. If you want to see, here.



--How did you learn about the coalition?



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?



--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

My schedule's loopy, no regular work hours.

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Hello there and welcome! :D If you're on Balmung, Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. We also have an IC LS. We'd be happy to have you! You can learn more about us here or on our site. Please contact me if you're interested! Also, I'm happy to RP anytime so feel free to approach me if you see me around!

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Hi there! So glad you found us! There are many Free Companies to choose from in the RPC but the first of many choices you will be making is which server you want to roll on! here are two servers you have to choose from. Balmung is has the highest population of Role Players (I can't really speak to the RP experience because I don't have a character there). Giglamesh has a smaller group but we are very open, welcoming, always growing and have some fantastic times at our events! I'm sure regardless of which server you choose you will have a wonderful experience! Though I think Gilgamesh is the bestus! Okay... that may be a biased statement. We have a wide variety of Free Companies and Link Shells for you to choose from. We have Pirates, Merchants, Secret Societies, Mercs, Magical Orders, and much more! I personally chose Gilgamesh because I love being part of the creation. I've never really fit into 'already established'. 


I hope to see you around! Feel free to add me if you want to roll on Gilgamesh. Just message me here and I'll find you or friend "N'yxa Phen" And I'll get you all introduced around.

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