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Xheja Rajhera, Meiko Amano, N'hadiya Khei

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[align=center]ABOUT ME[/align]


[align=center]Hiya! I'm terrible at these sort of things, but I figured that I would throw in a little section

like this for y'all to get to know me a little bit better! [/align]


[align=center]I've been an XIV player for a while now and a roleplayer for even longer, but the two hobbies of mine never really crossed until the launch of FFXIV: ARR. I picked up FFXIV shortly before patch 1.21 (I think) and fell in love with the game, its setting, the story, etc. I kept playing the PVE content for years, first on the Selbina server, which then became Ridill.

(I was an XI player, too. Can you tell?)


FFXIV: ARR rolled around, and Ridill was claimed as a Japanese data center server, so myself and all my primarily NA FC mates hopped ship to Excalibur. I stayed there for quite some time until a mixture of personal, real life issues and a generally growing dissatisfaction with playing progressively pushed me to make the decision to finally try MMO RP for the first time.


And so.. here I am!


I'd like to consider myself a very laidback, friendly, helpful, approachable person. (And I would like you to please deck me in the face should you ever experience me being the opposite!) I love jokes and having a great time. I also really, really like puns and I will shower you in them whether you like it or not. I also very much enjoy getting to know the people behind the characters as well.


So, all that said, please feel free to approach me ICly or OOCly! I don't bite, and chances are it will make my day, too! If you've ever got RP ideas involving my characters, questions for me, or just want to shoot the shit OOCly, hit me up! :D



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  • PLAYER NAME :  Just call me by whatever character you know me best as! ♥
  • CHARACTERS:  Xheja Rajhera (wiki),  Meiko Amano (wikijournal),  N'hadiya Khei (wiki).
  • AVAILABILITY:  In-game most weeknights from 5:00 - 11:00 PM central time. Weekends, whenever to whenever. Available for forum RP and general OOC non-sense all the time!
  • CONTACT INFO:  If you can't contact me in-game, then contact me here or PM me for my skype handle! I'm always up for chatting and plotting.




    I consider myself to fall in the medium-heavy roleplaying camp. I enjoy playing the PVE aspects of the game from time to time;  however, I'm mostly burnt out on keeping current with content and definitely don't have any interest in progression. Instead, I dedicate the majority of my time towards RPing, and so chances are if see me out and about, I'm in character unless specified otherwise!

    Truthfully, most of my characters tend towards the intelligent, calculating, combat-avoiding type.. mostly because I don't really care OOCly for free-form combat scenes. That said, I do enjoy a fair bout of dice-mediated combat. Keeps things interesting, and truly allows a scene to be unpredictable!
    As for injuries, I choose to acknowledge that magical / aetherical healing and whatnot exists in the setting. However, I like to place limitations on it, such as a wound being healed but there being residual pain and stiffness, or only being able to heal it to a certain extent. This is because I like for my RP to have continuity and consequences. But of course, this is just the standard I hold myself to!


    I am always open to romantic relationships forming between characters, should it make sense in the context of RP and come about in a logical progression of the relationship. It's a fantastic way to keep a character developing and progressing.
    Likewise, aspects in RP such as sexuality are acceptable to me. I am a mature adult and I can handle the fact that people in this setting do, indeed, have sex. (Gasp! Scandal!) That said, I can either play out or do Fade-to-Black on scenes of an adult nature, depending on the comfort level of the other party (or parties, giggity!). Yet please note that most of the time, I personally prefer FTB unless playing the scene out implies a significant character development that needs to be explored in detail.

    But I cannot stress enough: any in-character romance/etc. is just that -- in character only! Please, please, please mind the IC-OOC boundaries on this. I am very much happily taken IRL. I'm not here to fulfill you romantically or sexually. I'm here to write a story with you. And I will very quickly and very easily cut you out if I think you're not here to do the same with me.



    I absolutely adore the canon FFXIV lore, and so I strive to stick to it as much as possible. However, I'm also aware that there are many grey areas and unknowns that exist and that ignoring them completely limits creativity and makes awkward situations to work around. All that to say:  I stick to the lore, but I'm open to creative interpretation and a teeny-tiny bit of strategic hand-wavium to avoid these awkward spots.
    Also, I don't claim to know everything about FFXIV lore. So if you ever see me making a major mistake, please gently correct me! (Gently, though. I'm a delicate flower. ;A;)


    Unless a scene or situation makes it more logical to use a private channel, I almost exclusively choose to use public channels and custom emotes for RP. This is my personal choice, as I much prefer to try building a world and environment with the community as a whole to make the world feel more alive and connected, rather than walling myself off with one or two people exclusively.
    Likewise, public channels and emotes allow for in-character consequences, such as being overheard, spied upon, etc. This is something that I really, really like. It is very immersive for me, as it forces me to think harder about the kinds of choices my characters will make about what they say/do, how they say/do it, and where they say/do it. It can almost make for some really interesting RP hooks down the line!


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Hello there and welcome to Balmung! It's good to have some more role-players here! :D If you're looking for an FC, Harbingers of the Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. We also have an IC LS. We'd be happy to have you! You can learn more about us here or on our site. Please contact me if you're interested! Also, I'm happy to RP anytime so feel free to approach me if you see me around!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Throwing an update up here!


I just started a new job, so I won't be online as often anymore. (Since, you know, before now I had no life. =P) I'll try to make it on as much as my schedule allows, though!


In the meantime, I'm more than open to forum RP for those interested who can't seem to catch me online!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another update!


I'm taking a short RP break. ( At least, hopefully it's short! D: ) Long story short, I got hit with a combination of crappy work scheduling and my main FC on Excalibur is going through a transition with me taking the Master position. So I need to dedicate a lot of time to getting the FC back on its feet.


If anyone needs me, I'll still be checking the RPC daily so feel free to send me a PM! It'll just be a while before I can be posting on the IC forums / logging in on Nao or Nhadi in-game again.

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  • 3 months later...

After a loooong hiatus, I've returned! Long story short, I had some RL issues that reared their ugly heads at the worst of times. I had to take a break to take care of those issues, and in the process, my routine changed somewhat with a brand new job. So now that things are on the upswing and I'm feeling more settled in the workplace and ready to get my RP on, I'm back to Balmung!


That being said, I've decided that the easiest course for me to get back on track is to start over entirely. I've retired N'hadiya due to lack of direction with her character, and I've place Naoh'to on an official indefinite hiatus. I'll probably come back to him eventually, but for now I'm struggling to rediscover his muse. Instead, I'll be playing a singular new character whom I am extremely excited about and inspired by -- Xheja Rajhera.


Apologies to people I was RPing with before. Real life just got way too hectic and in the way, and I couldn't ignore it any longer. ; ; Please forgive me!

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*coughcoughcoughcough* canwestilldothatforumrpwhenyoufindyourmuseforNaoh'to?


But, should (any of) your character(s) drop by Limsa, do give me a holler -- I very much enjoyed rping with you. :)


Welcome back! Glad everything got resolved!

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Omg, a thousand times yes. I was actually just thinking about that RP the other day when I was thinking about returning to the XIV RP scene. I miss that RP so much, and it frustrates me to no end that my Naoh'to muse ran off to whoonlyknowswhere. D:

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  • 7 months later...

Finally, finally updated this!


That said, a few (very long overdue) character updates!


Xheja:  Currently still my main Balmung character, but I'm suffering some muse and inspiration problems with her, as well as some general frustration and disappointment. Still having trouble really finding her niche and getting her firmly wedged into it, due to her personality and motivations. Mostly using her to mess with PVE while I try to figure out what to do with her.


N'hadiya Khei:  She's since been remade, but I've also suffered the same sort of problem with her as Xheja. Difficult muse and the like, hard to find her niche. Currently back-burnered.


Naoh'to Mujuuk:  No longer going to play this character. As fun as the concept was, I ended up just assimilating traits of him into Xheja's last major rework. His character was name-changed and fantasia'd into..


Meiko Amano:  Newest alt, and currently my main RP character. Meiko is super fun, I'm super inspired with her, and she's actually managed to find her niche and snuggle herself into it quite quickly.

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