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Wild New RPer Appears!


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Hello Everyone! 


Not really sure where to get started with the whole introduction business, so I might as well just dive right in to the template questions;


--MMORPG background:

my first true MMORPG was FFXI on PS2, then on to WoW from end of vanilla (I got my first lvl 60 right before the opening of AQ) until midways thru Cataclysm, then on to FFXIV since ARR beta 3.


--RP experience:

virtually none. I've always wanted to give it a shot, but the group of friends I played with weren't in to the idea so I gave up on it.


--Character ideas/info:

I have a general idea for a character, female miqo'te seeker of the sun, half miqo'te(mother) half hyur highlander(father), picked on by other kids while growing up so she would get in fights a lot, thus she became pretty good with her fists (thus pugilist), but I have yet to come up with a name or a true personality. Which is where you good readers come in! But I'll explain that later...


--How did you learn about the coalition?

As I mentioned earlier, I am interested in beginning RP, and a few quick Google searches brought me here. 


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I think somewhere between medium and heavy 


Well now, back the the help I so sneakily requested (not, really, just go with it). I'm looking for a few veteran RPers to help with bringing my rough ideas to life. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again and I can't wait to take the first step on this long journey. 

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Hello Everyone! 


Not really sure where to get started with the whole introduction business, so I might as well just dive right in to the template questions;


--MMORPG background:

my first true MMORPG was FFXI on PS2, then on to WoW from end of vanilla (I got my first lvl 60 right before the opening of AQ) until midways thru Cataclysm, then on to FFXIV since ARR beta 3.


--RP experience:

virtually none. I've always wanted to give it a shot, but the group of friends I played with weren't in to the idea so I gave up on it.


--Character ideas/info:

I have a general idea for a character, female miqo'te seeker of the sun, half miqo'te(mother) half hyur highlander(father), picked on by other kids while growing up so she would get in fights a lot, thus she became pretty good with her fists (thus pugilist), but I have yet to come up with a name or a true personality. Which is where you good readers come in! But I'll explain that later...


--How did you learn about the coalition?

As I mentioned earlier, I am interested in beginning RP, and a few quick Google searches brought me here. 


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I think somewhere between medium and heavy 


Well now, back the the help I so sneakily requested (not, really, just go with it). I'm looking for a few veteran RPers to help with bringing my rough ideas to life. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again and I can't wait to take the first step on this long journey. 


Welcome to the game and RPC. If you are looking for RP friends, my guy is a highlander with a daughter who's mother was a Keeper, so we may get along.

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Well hello hello! I am always excited to see new faces pop in! The back story to your character seems very interesting and I don't see a problem with it at all having two different races for parents. Also, I'm sure you will be able to find plenty of people around who will help you hammer out the finer details of your character! I did notice that you do not have a server listed so I am going to now *clears throat* try to sway you to the dark side (the cool side) of the more supreme (yeah I'm bias so what!?) server Gilgamesh (yeah that's right BRING IT BALMUNG PEEPS :lol: :love:u tho!). 


*yes the following is copied and pasted because I'm sick and my brain isn't working fully*


 There are two servers you have to choose from. Balmung is has the highest population of Role Players (I can't really speak to the RP experience because I don't have a character there). Giglamesh has a smaller group but we are very open, welcoming, always growing and have some fantastic times at our events! I'm sure regardless of which server you choose you will have a wonderful experience! Though I think Gilgamesh is the bestus! We have a wide variety of Free Companies and Link Shells for you to choose from. We have Pirates, Merchants, Secret Societies, Mercs, Magical Orders, and much more! I personally chose Gilgamesh because I love being part of the creation instead of sliding into the already established. 


*end copy and paste YAY!*


Whichever server you decide on I'm sure you will have a fantastic time! I'm typically on either N'yxa Phen or Neviana Whisperwind. So please feel free to add me on either and I'll introduce you around!

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Thank you both for the warm welcome! 


I've spent the last few days making / remaking characters on both servers to get a feel for the atmosphere. And as a result I'm proud to call Gilgamesh my new home!


So if you see Karin Jaeger wandering around Thanalan, stop by and say hello! (and check to see if she happens to be lost again lol)

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YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!! *does happy dance* I love when new Gilgameshians join the ranks! Be sure to look for N'yxa Phen in game! I'll get you pointed in all the right directions!


I'll keep an eye out for you tonight as well! Even if it is just to say hi! I'll introduce you to some of the most awesomeness people out there the PIRATES of the Wayward Star! (come on had to insert a plug for my FC 8-)) 


See you soon!

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Hello, glad you picked Gilgamesh. Always good to see new faces within our RP community. You can contact me ingame by the names Adolar Stone or Ghen'li Verah and I'll be sure to invite you into a few OOC RP LSs where you could network with the rest of the RP community.


Also plugging in a new FC set up from a friend of mine. United Blades are currently looking for more members and we welcome veteran and new RPers alike. Since it's still new, we're still in the process of recruiting more members before getting into the main FC storyline so be sure to check it out if you would like to take part in something fresh. :D

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Xifang uses :WELCOME WILD NEW RPer!: and hopes that it is super effective.

Hi! I play Xifang Crimson, an incredibly extroverted hyur monk, on the server that you just so happened to appear on! She's also something of a reformed bully... so I bet we could come up with all sorts of plotlines just based just on how that works with your character. Otherwise, I'd be happy just to have her meet and interact with someone new. ^_^


Feel free to look for me in game or PM me here if you think you'd like to meet up or you want to ask any questions at all. *thumbs up!*


Incidentally, I'm really happy that you want to give roleplaying in the game a try. I was very new to MMO RP, too, when I joined so I know how daunting it can feel to know how to get involved. So: Yay for getting involved! Posting on the RPC was one of the best ways to do it!

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A pleasure to make your acquaintance.


If you are looking to get yourself situated in game, may I suggest joining the Coalition OOC linkshell (just post in that thread about available times to get you in).


Since you are more physically inclined, you can join the Berserk linkshell.  I am certian there are more out there, so don't be shy to ask around in /shout or /yell in your starting city.


You are more than welcome to send me a tell in game, stop by and say hello, ask for help with anything, etc.  I never turn a person away.

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