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Bruden Grin, Checking in


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Hello, Roleplayers!


I haven't been on RPC as much as I should have been, but I'm finally getting around to checking in, here, at RPC.


So, without further ado.


The names Bruden, I've been playing MMOs for nearly 6 years, now, and roleplaying for about 5 years, started RPing in Warcraft III, which transitioned to World of Warcraft, Aion, Guild Wars 2, and now here.


As for roleplaying here, I plan on being somewhere between Heavy, and medium, I'm looking forward to a lot of inner-FC roleplay, and open world RP as well!


As for real life.. Well, I'm pretty much an open book! Ask me anything!



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Welcome! I'm glad to see the Gilgamesh community is slowly growing (Not that I can say much in that regard myself, since I joined the RPC like a week ago...)


If you need anything, feel free to drop me a PM here or a letter ingame. I'd be happy to help as best I can! :moogle:

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Hello there Bruden and welcome to the RPC! Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. If you ever want to come an pal around with the Pirates of the Wayward Star we always enjoy random RP sessions! Also, We can help you get into some of the RPC channels on the server! So, feel free to add N'yxa Phen or contact me in game and I'll help you get all set up so you can dive head first in the great RPs of the server.

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