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Hello. New to FF14 & RP!!


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Hello everyone. My name is Ivan.


I am completely new to FF14 and RP. I plan to get FF14 when it comes out on PS4 and that will be the first time I ever touch this game.


I am interested in the idea of RP but probably just light RP instead of serious RP - because honestly the idea of creating a scene/plot makes me nervous since it sounds like I will need to be good at writing to be able to do it well.


But I would love to go through the game (main scenario and side quests) while hanging out with people who are in character so the whole experience/journey will feel more immersive. Maybe join a casual/light RP linkshell/free company or just hang around/settle down in areas that are RP heavy.


If someone can provide me with information or recommend me on light RP linkshells/free companies & places to hang around where it's RP heavy, that would be great!


Nice to meet you all. =D


EDIT: Btw, I will probably end up in Gilgamesh server since I am a new player. :o

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A hearty welcome to FFXIV and to the rpc community!


While I think you have the right idea that social events might be the best way to get your foot in the door, you should never feel like you have to have all the knowledge about rp in order to get involved. Everyone should be allowed to learn at their own pace; its okay to make mistakes, its okay to be nervous, and please try to bear in mind we were all brand new at this at one point, so know exactly what you are going through!


Ask a lot of questions, open yourself to a variety of rp, and practice, practice, practice!


The more rp you do, the more natural it'll start to feel, and the deeper your understanding will become. Since you are unable to currently get in game, feel free to PM me on this site if you have any questions about getting started c:


Hope your journey in Eorzea is a pleasant one!

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Ditto what Magellan said. Creativity and a willingness to be flexible are, imo, the main things you need to rp. The rest will all come with time, and the only way to get better at something is to do it! That said, I'm not terribly familiar with the linkshells/fc available, but there is the Linkshell Hall that you can browse through to see if there's anything that strikes your fancy.


In the meantime, don't be afraid to poke through the forum and look at the server directories, and the wiki and all that and message anyone you find interesting!

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I'll just throw out there that if you do roll Gilgamesh, the United Blades LS is very new rper friendly, and several of us would be more than willing to give you a hand in learning the ropes (we have a FC too, but its not required to be a member to be in our LS)

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes. =D




Yeah, Nocturne is one of my fave RPG games!! Have yet to play SMT4 since I don't own a 3DS ... but one day definitely!! >_<




I've checked out the Linkshell Hall. There sure are some interesting ones. How about specific areas in the game that RPers like to gather around? There sure are some? But then under your avatar it says "Server: Balmung", so I guess any area you know will probably be in Balmung huh .....


What are some of the major differences between a legacy server and a non-legacy server btw? :o




Thanks for offering to let me ask you questions. =)


I've read through some introductory threads on RP and I still find it all a bit scary. Maybe the more I read the scarier actually haha.


Yeah, I am pretty sure I will end up in Gilgamesh since I don't want to step in a legacy server. So I will be sure to check out United Blades. =D


I read that you can only join one Free Company? So I guess one should take their time when choosing one huh. Or is it okay to join and leave as you please? But I imagine that's something frowned upon eh.

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I read that you can only join one Free Company? So I guess one should take their time when choosing one huh. Or is it okay to join and leave as you please? But I imagine that's something frowned upon eh.

You can join one FC, but 8 Linkshells. So it might be a good idea to join a few LS's first, get an idea of what FC's are out there, and what ones will fit your IC and OOC needs c:

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I've checked out the Linkshell Hall. There sure are some interesting ones. How about specific areas in the game that RPers like to gather around? There sure are some? But then under your avatar it says "Server: Balmung", so I guess any area you know will probably be in Balmung huh .....


What are some of the major differences between a legacy server and a non-legacy server btw? :o




Heheh, truth is I've been out of FFXIV for several years, and only within the past two weeks came back (which is why I am unable to offer more than generic advice :< ). My time in game is limited, so I'm pretty clueless -- though I have been nabbing some folks for forum rp until things settle down a bit. Still, that's why I always encourage new players to reach out to more established players through pms (though with Magellan I think you've already found a winner), as I think that's the fastest way to find the rp and get engaged. Too there's a few upcoming events in gilgamesh, so those could also be a way to make some rp connections and get a feel for the rp. You can also post in the Gilgamesh directory or RP discussion asking for further help (I think for such specific questions as these they tend to get more answers in those subforums rather than the welcome desk), though with Magellan already offering to answer questions I would take up that offer!


As for legacy servers, I think that has to do with characters from the first iteration of FFXIV being brought over to ARR, while non-legacy were all new characters.

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If you do plan to make a character on Gilgamesh, I also have several RP linkshells you could be interested in joining. Feel free to add Adolar Stone or Ghen'li Verah if you catch either of them online. I'm also usually open for RP. :D

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