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Siege's Forge and Artworks!

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Welcome to Siege's Forge and Artworks! To give some background, I'm opening up a Free Company with a content focus and a roleplay background, and we need funding for our planned Large company house! To that end, I have asked an artist friend of mine for help, and he's agreed to do some commissions! 


So here's how it goes: We'll open up 10 slots at a time. Each slot has a minimum bid of 200k gil for those outside of the FC. Each slot will cap at 500k, which will lock you into that slot. Anything under 500k, you can be outbid for the slot! The higher up you are, the sooner your piece of art gets done! currently, slots are:


1: 500k, Kraz'a (Complete!)

2: 250k, Tahlsho'a Rheen (Locked!) (In Progress!)

3: 200k, Tahlsho'a Rheen

4: 300k, A'exis 

5: 200k, Jaques Guillaume

6: 200k, Vaughn Antain

7: 150k, Aether 200k min

8: 200k, Y'sami

9: 300k, Antimony

10: 200k, Y'sami/Licha


The direct gil bids will cover one of three things:

1) full body, simple coloring

2) portrait, high detail

3) half-body or something (less of their body in frame) of multiple characters, simple coloring


Suggestive is okay, but you must be at least partially robed in the picture, and the less clothes, the longer it will take, and the harder it will be to make, so you might get pushed back. You -can- pay real money through paypal directly to the artist for more detail, or another picture altogether, but these slots are solely for gil! Message me if you want his Gmail to discuss such things! All of the gil involved will go DIRECTLY to the Free Company coffers to help fund our house. As soon as it's funded, this offer will end, though the artist will keep his doors open for paid commissions. 


To bid on or lock a slot, simply post below with the amount and slot you'd like to bid on, with your character's name. The thread will be checked and updated daily by our team of hard-working marmots to ensure everyone knows where they stand! If demand is high enough, we may open additional slots, but regardless we ask you to be patient! If your commission is being worked on, your slot will be considered Locked and will be updated to reflect that!


All gil must be paid out on our home server (Balmung), with half up-front once the slot is locked, and half after your commission is complete! And to assuage your worries about the quality of art, each piece will be posted as it's completed! In the meanwhile though, try out some of these samples for taste! Any further questions can either be messaged to me directly, or posted in this thread! Good luck, and we hope you enjoy!













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I'd like to change my 200k bid on slot 7 to 250k on slot 2 and an additional 200k bid on slot 3

Done and done. Was considering posting some more of Siege's art samples on here, if anyone would like. He's done quite the number of pieces, and not all are fantasy-styled. If you do want to see them, just drop a reply saying so. Kraz's piece is already well on its way, and soon we'll be onto slot 2!

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300k for slot 9. :3


I would also be interested in seeing a dA or other link with this guy's work if possible. Considering paid commission.


Added on in. And I'll have to check with him, I know he's got links in a few places, but not sure which he'd rather I use. I've got some pieces he's shared with me though, so hopefully these'll tide you over! 

















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Yes.... very interested in a commission. Or two. Possibly not XIV-related, so I hope that's okay.

Perfectly fine, he'd love that. Send me a private message, and I'll give you his contact email! Soonish, I should have a link to give to you. His prices are pretty reasonable too, so who knows?

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Whoo! Busy day! First FC Clear of Turn 6, on our first instance no less. Took us about an hour though. We'll see how Turn 7 goes. In other news, I bring links! Well, link. This should lead you to an imgur gallery of some of his works: http://imgur.com/a/rEPVn! I've received a sketch of Kraz's in progress, and it looks uh...suggestive? But well on its way! Cheer him on, and soon he'll be done and on to #2! Be sure to get your bids in, especially now that slot #10 is filled! Secure your place or snatch up a new one qucik!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woo! FC Leader bidness ain't easy. Between that and my good buddy suddenly catching a job and shuffling about, we've been busy. But good news! This has been done for a bit, and I've finally got time to post it! Behold, the art of Kraz!




I hope you held faith in us while we were doing the shuffling about, and that you enjoy the eye candy. He certainly did. While Siege is busy questioning his art degree, let's lock the next slot, shall we? One down, nine to go! The bid wars are still open for 8 other slots if you're interested! But for now, will the next locked slot owner send me a PM with the details of their request? I'll bat that along to the good man, and we'll settle in. Again, be gentle with us regarding time, we're both in tumultuous places involving life and work, ingame and out.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

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