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Ala Mhigan Resistance?

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I was roleplaying recently with a friend whose character is Ala Mhigan and was wondering if there are any linkshells or folks about who RP as being part of the Ala Mhigan Resistance?

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Yes, there were a few players playing Ala Mhigan Resistance, many were alts, Gharen is one of the mains involved in that plot. Roen is affiliated with them, but not technically Resistance.


I say "were" because due to story line development (Garleans hunting them and having some success, RIP Aylard and Ruva), many have gone into hiding for awhile.


I know Brynhilde Wulf is also an ex-(maybe no longer ex)Resistance player as well. She has helped out Gharen and other Resistance members in the past.


Erik Mynhier also played an Immortal Flame who had ties with the Resistance also.


Were you interested in a plot with the Ala Mhigan Resistance?

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I was definitely interested in plots or general RP, yes.


I know Brynhilde, so I'll likely just pick her brain and chat with her about it. I was mostly curious to see if there were any other folks out there interested in the same.

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