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At work...


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Yep, that's right; I'm browsing the RPC from my new job workin' at the library at my school! I've been here since 9am and it's about 1/4 to 1pm while I'm writing this. We've had a whopping 2 customer's come in and they only had to take an accuplacer test, no check out of books. This is the first real job I've had in nearly three years, and I love it already! Lots of peace, and gratuitous amounts of quiet.

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Heh, sounds like quite the opposite to my new job. I'm currently in schooling as a call center agent for amazon. I'm sure I'll have -tons- of fun xD


Library, surrounded by books and their words. Absolutely lovely, gratz ^^


I also work at a call center, I have few a few years. Depending on the day it can be great or it can be a form of mental torture. But wow I'd love to work at a library. Congrats on landing that job!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wish my day had some peace & quiet. :) Nonstop gogogo support phones ring-a-ling-linging talk to client x, talk to client y, update support incident, fill out umpty online orders, update 20 spreadsheets, diffuse angry calls, drink gallons of coffee, speedwalk home, collapse on couch.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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