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Tylwyth Narah

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  • 4 weeks later...

[align=center]Tylwyth Narah is a year old![/align]


Technically it was a year old on the 18th, but I was busily travelling that day, so you get the update a few days late.


One year ago Kenthy and I had been RPing a smuggling operation associated with the Morbolvine Clan. I'd run crime groups out of established FCs before, and while it's convenient to have ties to a bigger group, there's always a feeling of "side project" about it. We talked about it and decided to take the plunge and create an actual free company for our organization. We tossed around ideas and names, and a year ago we brought a new free company into existence.


In the intervening year, we've had many RP arcs. The FC has grown to 30 strong and the associated linkshell to 60. We've pioneered the use of Trello for sharing RP hooks. We've bought a house, seen splinter groups form, and watched our own Xheja create the Whispervine as a way to bring dark RP groups together.


I'd like to raise a glass to everyone who's ever RPed with us, to everyone who's helped us on our road to where we are now, and especially to everyone who is and has ever been a member of our FC and our LS. Thank you all!


If you're interested in joining us, our current list of recruiting officers is:

  • Alexander Mason
  • C'kayah Polaali
  • L'lani Tyata

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  • 1 month later...



Welcome Khivva Nhys to our ranks of occifers!


Roleplay has tailed off a bit with all the HW content, but it's starting to pick up again. We're currently feuding vigorously with the Morbolvine clan (something about an alliance that collapsed when the Morbolvine mage attacked our spy network), as well as keeping our fingers in a few pies here and there.


If you're interested in joining us, our current list of recruiting officers is:

  • Alexander Mason
  • Khivva Nhys
  • L'lani Tyata

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