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What I'm wondering about is how can anyone pretend to do a Review of a game with what seems to be open beta content and only the first few minutes of play?

He even starts saying "I'm using a controller cause I heard the mouse is terrible". Way to give his own impressions. o_O

He looks and sounds like he's just trying to be interesting. And show off his teeth.

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Yeeeah... I retracted what I was going to originally post.


It is painfully obvious he was reviewing the beta, mostly because he's been wanting to post that video for about two months now and couldn't because of NDA.


What upset me the most is that he rips the game to shreds while it's in a beta state and does so without any disclaimer at the beginning that its a beta. Yet somehow the APB beta received two glowing videos by him and well... we all know where that game ended.


Yes Fony, we get it, the game is too deep for you but perhaps be a bit more of a journalist if you're going to do reviews, ne?


Also I don't understand why 50% of his video is him running. Yes, there is a lot of running right now, yet multiple fast travel options are coming... yet he mentions none of this.


I feel like I'm being a bit of a fangirl but people watch his videos to see if they should check out a game or not and this video is so woefully inaccurate it makes you feel a bit.... :frustrated:


I also don't get all the grumbling about the copied terrain pieces... I've only really noticed it on those overpass things in Gridania but.. I mean really... so WoW gets a free pass for all the dozens of identical cave structures? Every inn and town building the same damn building, or a reskin in the case of Duskfall?

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Wow, that guy get easily annoyed. I totally agree that he shouldn't be calling it reviews, cause it seem to be almost a sport in being pure negative. It seem to be a trend with "reviews" lately, the more negative you can be, the better.

It can be entertaining, but it's not very accurate, and personally, I think it's getting a bit old. Especially when it's not even a finished game, the mouse for instance has been fixed, and I've never had to beat that long on the... Jelly-things in the beginning...


It wasn't very informative or accurate at all, it really just seemed to be mainly about showing exactly how annoyed you can get at a game for minor things and exactly how little patience you have. Instead of complaining about the run, how about actually enjoying it, enjoying the really nice graphics?

So many people today expect instant gratification, huge explotions and what not, all the time.

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Wow' date=' that guy get easily annoyed. I totally agree that he shouldn't be calling it reviews, cause it seem to be almost a sport in being pure negative.[/quote']


In other words, he's a Yahtzee/Zero Punctuation knock-off, lesser quality and all?


Works for me. That just saved me a few precious minutes of not watching. :lol: Good thing, since I'm now almost an hour late from going to get groceries.

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Wow' date=' that guy get easily annoyed. I totally agree that he shouldn't be calling it reviews, cause it seem to be almost a sport in being pure negative.[/quote']


In other words, he's a Yahtzee/Zero Punctuation knock-off, lesser quality and all?


Works for me. That just saved me a few precious minutes of not watching. :lol: Good thing, since I'm now almost an hour late from going to get groceries.


Yahtzee makes it a point to be entertaining, though. He's pretty clear that his reviews are meant to be taken as such. He also is actually fairly spot on when a game is bad over which technical points make the game bad.


I enjoyed some of Fony's earlier reviews but he strikes me as someone that doesn't appreciate the little things. I mean hell... the man reviewed Minecraft and DIDN'T get addicted? He must be a Cylon. :cactuar:

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In other words, he's a Yahtzee/Zero Punctuation knock-off, lesser quality and all?


Works for me. That just saved me a few precious minutes of not watching. :lol: Good thing, since I'm now almost an hour late from going to get groceries.



That was exactly my thought when I saw it, yeah ^^ Just as Asytra said, at least Zero Punctuation is at least somewhat entertaining, this was basically just the guy running around, being annoyed that he had to run.


Apparently, liking things makes you uncool. So... You guys suck :afro: 8-)

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Actually, he's got a few other games on that list of his. You just have to dig them up, because they are buuuurried. So far, the games that I know he's loved:


Portal (Part of the Orange Box series)

Bioshock (which he got the good parts out of the way before reaming it with System Shock 2)


Saints Row 2

Thief 2


And those are all I know of so far. xD


EDIT: Oh, and he gave Batman Arkham Asylum Game of the Year last year, but also admitted it was pretty much a no-contender because there really weren't any mind-smashingly good games.

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Actually, he's got a few other games on that list of his. You just have to dig them up, because they are buuuurried. So far, the games that I know he's loved:


Portal (Part of the Orange Box series)

Bioshock (which he got the good parts out of the way before reaming it with System Shock 2)


Saints Row 2

Thief 2


And those are all I know of so far. xD


EDIT: Oh, and he gave Batman Arkham Asylum Game of the Year last year, but also admitted it was pretty much a no-contender because there really weren't any mind-smashingly good games.


Psychonauts is Awsome ^-^

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