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Solis's Fun House

SM Nick

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It's a linkshell dedicated to spending time and helping others alongside the Bright Sun, Solis Claritas himself alongside his partner Sakura Mitarashi!


This is basically an OOC Linkshell reserved for those close friends of mine that I made while RPing and PvEing in FFXIV!


Of course if you happen to be friends with one of the leaders of the Linkshell, don't be afraid to ask for an invite!


Just have three rules:

1. No harassment

2. No inappropriate content (racial slur, etc...)

3. No drama


Here's how punishment goes:

-If you are a leader of the Linkshell, you will be stripped of leadership as a warning.

-If you are a regular member or a former leader, you will be kicked if you cause too much drama.

-If you are a long-standing member or newbie to the LS, I will give you a warning in /tell that you need to stop.


If you need to contact me, do so at Solis Claritas or Sakura Mitarashi. I'm not on all day just so you know, I'm busy IRL with school, etc.

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