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Hey all! Introduction time!


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Finally, time to dive into Hydaelyn! Well, not right away, seeing as Balmung has the character creation restriction up, and my copy of ARR has just started downloading! :dodgy: Guess I'll just have to be patient and rummage around the Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition until then... Anyhow, hello everyone and very nice to meet all of you! :D


-MMORPG Background-

Yeah, this may come across as a tad bit shocking (or not), but I've never actually played an MMORPG before. No, I don't live under a rock, I just never considered them before. But, something about ARR drew me in like a kid to candy! Maybe the fact that it's Final Fantasy?


-RP Experience-

Little to none, does roleplaying verbally with others count? I had no idea roleplaying even existed in the gaming world. And it was this RPC that brought to life this fact, for me. I will point out that I do have quite the imagination, and making up characters on the go and fleshing them out in my head isn't too difficult for me, I just don't have a lot of time to let my imagination flourish (I blame studies! :x).  But, I just have a feeling I'll manage and transition into this roleplay community. :)


-Character Ideas/Info-

Just one at the moment, C'eleni Meztli, a Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te who's proficient at archery, botany and culinary skills (Gonna have to put some time into the game to unlock and advance each of those three classes :surprise: ). I have worked on her, and come up with a little bit of backstory, and have a general idea of what she'll be like, but I guess only time will tell how she'll grow. That, and as I go through ARR, the lore will start to open up too, so that will be a help as well.


-How did I learn about the Coalition?-

To be very honest, I don't remember at all. :| 


-What kind of roleplayer am I aiming to be (light, medium, heavy)?-

Medium, I guess. I really do plan on playing the game, but, I will definitely always be open to roleplay as well, so both the roleplay and gameplay will be equally important for me. I'll play the game IC and be IC whenever possible, but not 100% all the time. Also, I'm not that well versed in the game's lore, and I'll try to learn as much as possible, but I don't intend to be super nitpicky about every little bit.


-Real Life stuff-

I am a very diligent gamer, been playing video games waaaays back, the Final Fantasy series being one of my favorites. I also love spending time with my parrots, all four of them being feathered balls of pure energy! Other than that, I might not be around very regularly, for which I blame studies, again! 


So, I guess that's about it. Hope to meet all of you as soon as possible! :D


On a side note, is there a group just starting off the game that I could party with, and be part of a story with? Oh, and if there's any place a newcomer like me needs to be pointed to, lead the way.

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Hello, and welcome aboard! If you need a place to get started while waiting to find your way to the start screen (stupid installation period) or onto Balmung (stupid character restrictions) you can try out the Town Square! There's a bunch of forum-based RP happening there, and anything with an [Open] tag is by and large free to step into. Or just read, get a feel for things! There's lots to do!


Restrictions for character creation usually lift in the dead of night, too. I've had some success around 5am EST.

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