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Secondary tools: pitching them?

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So this is a question to all the crafters out there. As you probably well know, there is a wiiiiiiiiide (that probably could've used a bit more 'iiiiiii') level gap between the nublet secondary tools (all level 1), and the next level of secondary tools (all level 27).


So I was curious, with the exception of the gathering secondary tools (which you very well need, no matter what), have you just been tossing your secondary tool when you get in to the better primary tools, a la levels 7 or 12? I ask because I don't want to feel like I am missing out on something by throwing away a whole 8 secondary tools for some desperately needed inventory space.


Obviously SE stated in one of their FAQs about synthesizing that secondary tools have different effects depending on the crafting type (quality over quantity, for example), but with no comparable secondary tools in existence so far, it seems counterproductive to use these and risk blowing up a more difficult synth, all because the tool is below the recommended craft level. :|

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How do you get your higher level crafting tool? I noticed in one leve once I got a bronze sledgehammer... do we get a main hand tool too? As far as looks go, I thinkt he goldsmithing grinding wheel looks far nicer than the work bench. >.>

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How do you get your higher level crafting tool?


Either level your crafts until you can make them (which in some cases requires leveling beyond the level of a new tool, which is ironic), or buy them. Depending on what you're looking for, the level 7 or level 12 tools for all craft jobs sell for anywhere between 20k and 80k.


I noticed in one leve once I got a bronze sledgehammer


Sledgehammers (mining), Scythes (botany), and Gigs (fishing) are secondary gathering tools, used on sparkling nodes that are different from typical mining/logging/fishing points. Those were the ones I said you likely want to keep holding on to, since they're all but necessity.


do we get a main hand tool too? As far as looks go' date=' I thinkt he goldsmithing grinding wheel looks far nicer than the work bench. >.>[/quote']


Yeah, definitely don't go picking a tool based off how it looks when crafting with it. You'll see many a broken synth. :|


You can find all the different beginner tools at every city, so you shouldn't have to go across the world to get them. Usually just check all the different market stalls in every city's market area (not the Wards!) and the guilds in every city and you should find what you are looking for.

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I think you mis understood my question. Do all the crafting/harvesting leves offer a secondary tool as a quest reward at some point? I cant remember how many mining leves I did, but at one point I got a bronze sledgehammer as a quest reward. Which I used to replace the one I had, since it needed repairing.

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I think you mis understood my question. Do all the crafting/harvesting leves offer a secondary tool as a quest reward at some point? I cant remember how many mining leves I did' date=' but at one point I got a bronze sledgehammer as a quest reward. Which I used to replace the one I had, since it needed repairing.[/quote']


I guess? There's been some sites that say you can, but it's hard to tell which ones have accurate info, and which ones are referring to the beta, since it seems that some leve rewards have changed between beta and actual release.


A lot of leves will occasionally, albeit rarely, award you with a tool that you can actually use. But they seem to be rare examples of possible rewards. More often than not you'll wind up with either armor or just gil and an expendable item/craft item.


Considering the next set of secondary tools after the level 1 tools isn't until the level 27 set (for the moment), I wouldn't hold my breath on getting anything outside of the secondary tools you can just buy at all the stores for between 800-1100 gil anyway. You're really better off just doing that.


... and, this is sort of, kind of, getting off topic of the original question, so ... ah ... yeah. :|

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Primary and Secondary tools both have different potential outcomes for your synth. Some synths will give you a bonus to how many you make if you use a secondary tool or primary, usually it makes sense as well. Making lumber with a saw can HQ bonus lumber, since a saw is obvious for doing something like that. They also factor into when making an item if you HQ+1/+2/+3 it. I use my secondary tool when it seems obvious I would use it, awl for making boots as leatherworker, saw for making lumber and masks, etc etc.

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Primary and Secondary tools both have different potential outcomes for your synth. Some synths will give you a bonus to how many you make if you use a secondary tool or primary' date=' usually it makes sense as well. Making lumber with a saw can HQ bonus lumber, since a saw is obvious for doing something like that. They also factor into when making an item if you HQ+1/+2/+3 it. I use my secondary tool when it seems obvious I would use it, awl for making boots as leatherworker, saw for making lumber and masks, etc etc.[/quote']


Right. Which I totally get and understand. SE talked about that and all, like I alluded to mentioning their FAQ on crafting and synthing.


But the problem here is that while you have a line of primary tools to work up along to better tools (level 1, level 7, level 12, level 22 ...), you wind up with only a level 1, and then a level 27 secondary tool, based off of what we know exists and what recipes are out there so far.


Why keep woefully underlevelled secondary tools that are nowhere near as safe to use? Is it really wise to use a level 1 Bronze Mortar, for example, to make a level 17 Alchemy recipe? Especially if your Alchemist level is only even with the recipe level, or even above the recipe level (so many recipes are difficult as it is, and handicapping yourself by using a level 1 Bronze Mortar instead of a level 12 Brass Alembic seems like craft suicide).

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