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[one-time] WORDEATER [FULL]

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< OCTOBER 26 --- 1PM EST>


Wordeater is a horror-themed event, for which I've opened a few slots to the general public. While a simple attribute/dice rolling system will be used, the majority of this particular event will be done with simple pass or fail dice rolls. This event will take place in a skype chat room.[/align]



[align=center]We are currently full, but please feel free to drop me a message if you are still interested. If someone has to drop out I'l contact you right away. And if you miss this event, I'll be sure to hit you up personally for first dibs on any other events I run.[/align]



[align=center]Thank you very much!











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[align=center]OOC INFO




[align=left]Let me start by saying that this is the first event I'll be running that is open to strangers, so in all honestly I'm a little bit (extremely) nervous about posting this. As such this will only be a small event, so I can only open 3 more slots, as the first 2 have already been taken. Hopefully in the future I'll build the confidence to hold larger scale events. Until then I just want to get my feet wet by offering unique, personalized adventures. I hope my events get you thinking about your characters in new ways, encourage development, and give you a good spook.




[align=center][align=justify]Wordeater will be a one-night event for 5-6 people. It will probably last approximately 4 hours. The event will conclude either when the Wordeater has fallen or the party is forced to retreat. Time management is my main goal for this event. As such I ask that during the event no one participates in any multi-tasking that would impair their ability to respond. 



[align=justify]We will be using the same system used in another campaign of mine, which I will post below. If you sign up please have your attributes ready before the event begins. In between combat scenes the turn order will be only loosely adhered to. This made for better narrative and timing in our last event, and I trust those participating to make sure everyone gets the chance to be involved. If you find you're being overrun before you get the chance to post, please speak up OOC whenever you'd like to post so that we can wait. 



This particular event will involve a specialized form of combat using words. Consider words that hold particular meaning to your character. Possible consequences of this event include the expected variety of temporary mental ailments and eccentricities. This event will be of a slightly more stringent difficulty than my previous campaign. The majority of 'combat' in this event will rely on vanilla roleplay, rather than dice rolls, so those unfamiliar are more than welcome to join!


I also want to note that because of this unique personality-based attribute system, even characters inexperienced with combat can get a taste of the adventure. I'm now asking for sign-ups for this event. Official roster will be decided on Thursday. I'd prefer only 100% commitments just for less stress on my part. 






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[align=center]IC INFO[/align]



[align=left]Yesterday the eighth victim was found wandering along the outskirts of Camp Overlook. Herot Longwind, identified by letters addressed to his wife, found on his person. Symptoms were consistent with previous cases; the tradesman was completely unresponsive to any form of stimuli. Despite the arduous efforts of several healers dispatched to the area, Herot, like the other seven, remains capable of little more than incoherent babbling. 


The children of the town have begun to speak of a strange creature in the woods. A twisting millipede, crowned by the head of a gully-lipped goat, crowned by three gleaming green eyes. What was first dismissed as the inane ramblings of youth now serves as the only clue as to the source of the strange malady. They all say the same thing... In the dead of night, they are roused by a familiar voice beckoning them into the forest. Those who follow find themselves in the company of a strange creature, who regales them with stories until the rise of dawn, before spiriting them back into their beds, safe at home. 


And who is to face this abomination? Perhaps those whose hands have been forced by benevolence, determined to bring the predator to its end of days. And, of course, such a beast surely has quite the bounty on its head for those of hungry coin purses. We can only pray no innocent bystanders find themselves caught in the crossfire by unfair chance... Or worse, branded as the creature's next victim. One young man seems to be at the helm of the endeavor, under the orders of another. Their plan is simple. They'll stake out the shadowed forest line and nightfall.


And wait. 




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[align=center]The combat within this campaign will take place in a distorted plane of reality. In this space ones strength is borne not of mortal skill but a character's personality. These stats represent not quantities but ratios between complimentary attributes. [/align]


[align=center]As previously stated, this campaign is not heavily reliant on the below system. If you are new to dice-rolling, please don't be intimidated. It all can be summed up by: "Roll dice equal to the attribute that's being checked. 11 and above is a success. If you get enough successes, you pass the check". Many checks won't even involve attributes. They'll be as simple as "Roll 3d20 (three twenty-sided dice)", if you get a success you pass the check". If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, I'm more than happy to walk you through whatever you need me to.[/align]


It may seem like a lot of info, but I tried my best to make sure anyone, regardless of experience, could understand.[/align]







[align=center]Each character will be assigned attributes according to their personality. Five attribute points are shared between the ten open slots that lie between two complimentary attributes. The attributes are as follows.[/align]




Empathy is the ability to identify with the emotions of others. Empathetic individuals are capable of sensing another’s true motives and feelings, and are thus better equipped to manipulate them. How they decide to use this ability varies. But this influence comes at a cost, and those with high empathy are far more vulnerable to the psychological states of others.




Independence is the ability to operate without the support of others. The independent are less likely to be manipulated by others, and are resistant to the maddening effects of isolation. Though their own strength does not hinge on those around them, even the most self-reliant individuals will find that their potential is limited by their solitude.



Mutability is the ability to adjust to change. Mutable personalities prefer to bend with that which they cannot control, rather than fight it. They are fast to learn the best way to adapt to the current situation. Those who identify with mutability are familiar with the currents of change, and more adept at manipulating them to their benefit. This is a dangerous game, as those who create too many waves risk being swallowed by the sea, and such manipulation can often have... Unexpected side effects.




Fortitude is the ability to maintain identity in the face of change. Those with fortitude are not deterred by adversity, are capable of driving forward even against errant tides. No matter the situation, these individuals are granted heightened endurance in all regards. But brute force cannot force all locks, and those incapable of adjusting may just as soon hinder their comrades as they are to carry them.



Instinct is the ability to attune with otherworldly impulse. Creatures of the soul, instinctual individuals are granted the boon of premonition. They are more perceptive to articles of importance, even before any such purpose has presented itself. Be wary, as peeking behind the veil may invite the attention of that which lies beyond mortal coils.




Wisdom is the ability to sort knowledge within the grand scheme of things. The minds of the wise are quick to piece together fragmented ideas or clues. Through logic or retrospective analysis, patterns and meaning will reveal themselves. Stalwart tethers to reality may hold these individuals steady, but they will just as soon snare in the face of things their minds cannot grasp.







[align=center]Our game will have many 'attribute checks', which will use these assigned values.[/align]



Be as true to your character as possible, but never forget that all things come at a cost. There are pros and cons to every attribute; An attribute that saves you in one roll may very well damn you in the next. Any configuration will come at consequence. I ask that you do not put all 5 points into one attribute without first discussing the matter with me. This ratio reflects a dangerously skewed psyche that will have unpredictable and likely detrimental effects on the campaign.


Below contains spoilers regarding checks and attributes. I'll repeat: I ask that you stay as genuine to your characters' personalities as possible. Part of the fun of this system is that your character may be forced into a role they do not usually fill. I suggest that before you read on, you fill out the attribute table according to your character's personality.









[align=center]Attributes also define your characters health, energy, and sanity. 


Determining your character's...

[align=center]HEALTH= 10 + (2 x INDEPENDENCE)[/align]

A measure of presence within the current realm. is replenished passively by one point every turn out of combat.


[align=center]ENERGY= (2 x FORTITUDE)[/align]

Spent in attempts to manipulate one's surroundings. Energy is replenished by defeating enemies or solving puzzles.


[align=center]SANITY= 2 + (2 x WISDOM)[/align]

Mental stability, required for sanity checks and spent in premonition. Sanity can be replenished by one point by taking a turn of rest.  








[align=center]This campaign will follow a dice based system using twenty-sided dice, or d20s. Many actions will require 'checks' in which you will roll a number of dice according to your previously assigned attributes.[/align]


[align=center]A check will occur as follows:[/align]


1. I will announce the check.

DM: "Roll EMPATHY check."


2. The player rolls a number of dice equivalent to the filled slots in that attribute.

PC has 3 slots filled under empathy, and therefore rolls 3 twenty-sided dice.[/align]



3. I will count the successes. If they are greater than the difficulty of the roll, the character succeeds.

PC rolled 12, 4, and 18. Anything greater than a ten is counted as a success, with 1 success needed to pass the check. The PC has 2 successes, and therefore beats the check.




·         A roll of 11 or above will count as a success. This number may change throughout the campaign- I will announce if a particular check requires higher rolls for success.



·         A roll of 1 is considered a 'natural 1'. A natural 1 nullifies 1 successful roll. If there are no successful rolls to cancel, the character fumbles. The consequences of a fumble depend on what kind of check it is. An attack fumble may cause your character to not only miss, but leave themselves open to counterattack. An instinct fumble may cause your character to be fed false information. In the case of multiple successes, a natural 1 cancels the lowest roll first.[/align]



·         A roll of 20 is a critical success. Your character not only succeeds, but goes above and beyond their normal capacity. Whether this success is due to emotion, logic, or just plain luck is completely up to you. A 20 can be canceled by a 1 if there are no other successes.[/align]



·         Boons may be granted to reward players for exceptional posts. Boons will come in the form of an extra die to be used at the player's discretion.[/align]



·         Some rolls may combine two attributes. For a FORTITUDE + WISDOM roll, with fortitude at 3 and wisdom at 4, the player rolls 7 dice



[align=center]Your characters are free to do or try anything you can imagine. If a check is required, I'll decide the most fitting attribute(s) and difficulty. There are only three predefined abilities, dependent on checks involving the indicated attributes.[/align]




Your character attempts to manipulate the surrounding plane through mutability, by summoning objects, creating structures, or otherwise altering the environment. Each attempt costs one point of energy.



Your character attempts to tap into otherworldly forces through instinct, seeking premonition or guidance. Each attempt cost one point of sanity.



Your character attempts to better perceive the environment, or a specific object. Success and information acquired depends on the attribute used to roll the check.






[align=center]Combat will occur in a turn-based manner, as follows. Keep in mind there will be very little, if any combat in this event so don't stress it too much if you don't get it right away.[/align]


1. Players roll a single die against dm. Higher roll is active first.

DM rolls 9. Players roll 14. Players attack first.


2. Each member of the active party performs one action. In order to attack or defend, a check of ANY single attribute chosen by the player is rolled. When defending, every success nullifies one blow from the opposing side's next turn. When attacking, every success lands a single blow. Damage dealt for each attack is the number of the attacker's successes minus the attacked party's successful defense rolls on the last turn.[/align]



A rolls to attack X using a fortitude of 4, so A rolls 4 dice to get a 4, 6, 12, and 14. So A lands two blows against X and deals 2 damage. B rolls to defend using an instinct of 2. B rolls and gets a 19 and a 4. So next turn they can nullify 1 blow.


3. The opposing party rolls next.

DM's monster X rolls to attack A using a wisdom of 3, and gets a 4, 12, and 16. Since A didn't defend last turn, A takes 2 damage. DM's monster Y rolls to attack B using an independence of 4, and gets a 2, 3, 9, and 17. Y has one success, but the blow is nullified by B's previous defense roll.


4. The first party goes again, and so on and so on.



·         Rolling different attributes in attack and defense checks will have different effects.[/align]



·         A crit attack destroys any of the attacked party's defenses. A crit defense nullifies all attacks. In the case of a crit attack landing on a crit defense, both crits nullify each other.[/align]


·         Party members can roll defense checks to protect other party members.



·         Fighting is not necessarily the only solution. It may not be a solution at all.[/align]



·         Death is not always the end.[/align]





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[align=center]SIGN UP[/align]



[align=center]Current Slots[/align]








If you are interested in joining please contact me as soon as possible. I'll be taking on a first come first serve basis, though I ask that you are capable of typing out paragraph replies within a reasonable time-frame. All types of characters are welcome, and I'm more than open to modifying the story as needed to make sure you character gets involved. If you'd even like a more specialized role within the story, feel free to send me a message: Maybe someone your character knows or cares about was taken by the Wordeater, or they grew up in the village where the beast now preys. You could even be the Wordeater's next victim, if you so wished. 



[align=left]As soon as you are 100% sure you can attend, you may reserve a spot. I'll hold your spot for 24 hours, to give you time to get the below information in. 


[align=center]Here is what you will need to prepare before the event:


1. Your character's attributes, health, energy, and sanity. 


Empathy:  x/y  Independence

Mutability  x/y  Fortitude

Instinct  x/y  Wisdom


Health: x/x

Energy: x/x

Sanity: x/x



Empathy:  3/2  Independence

Mutability  4/1  Fortitude

Instinct  2/3  Wisdom


Health: 14/14

Energy: 2/2

Sanity: 8/82.


2. A link to a character profile/wiki, if applicable. [/align]


3. How your character becomes involved with the event (Good deed, bounty hunter- Take as much creative liberty as you would like, here). [/align]


4. 5 words that have positive significance to your character.[/align]


5. 5 words that have negative significance to your character. [/align]


6. Your character has a nightmare. Describe it. 


[align=center]1-3 can be posted in this thread, or pmed to me.[/align]

[align=center]4-6 should be pmed to me, and otherwise kept secret. [/align]



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Updated that post to say which to post here, and which to pm privately to me.


Good god formatting was a pain in my arse so please forgive me if it isn't pretty, I tried. 


I suppose I should also add a disclaimer somewhere that this event will probably be running in the PG-13+ range of horror. But it's up! And I'm open for reservations! 




[align=center]posting in public to strangers more scary than any monstrosity I can imagine ; _ ;[/align]



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1. Your character's attributes, health, energy, and sanity.


Empathy 2/3 Independence

Mutability 1/4 Fortitude

Instinct 4/1 Wisdom



Health: 16

Energy: 8

Sanity: 2


2. A link to a character profile/wiki, if applicable.




3. How your character becomes involved with the event (Good deed, bounty hunter- Take as much creative liberty as you would like, here).


Tiergan traveled to the area due to a job posting on an entirely different matter. He would have likely finished his mission and returned home had he not heard the crack of many spindling legs upon grass, and the feel of something unseen, winding, coiling in the darkness around him. It wasn't long before he stumbled upon the town, heard of the victims and their incoherent babbling, the children and their eerie tales of monstrous creatures, of voices and whispers that lull and spirit one away -- all things that remind him far too much of terrifying past events.


He's decided to stay and investigate further before traveling back.

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1. Your character's attributes, health, energy, and sanity. 


Empathy 1/4 Independence

Mutability 3/2 Fortitude

Instinct 1/4 Wisdom



Health: 18

Energy: 4

Sanity: 10



2. A link to a character profile/wiki, if applicable. 


No wiki unfortunately ><


3. How your character becomes involved with the event (Good deed, bounty hunter- Take as much creative liberty as you would like, here). 


Bex works for the Arcanist guild and ends up travelling constantly. That could easily place her there in Overlook, while her natural curiosity would cause her to investigate an odd rumor like that.

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