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Seeking family. [Sister and Mother.]

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So when Quale was born she was seperated from her family after a small skirmish with her tribe. She was taken in by foster parents where she was trained and now that she's an adult and on her own, she has renewed interest in finding her family's whereabouts. If anyone has a character where this would fit into their story, please let me know on here or in-game. I'm normally always on from 3:30 PM - 1:00 AM CST.

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Well, I play a T tribe Seeker from Gridania and though Shina believes she is the only daughter of her mother, among having several half sisters, it could be quite possible that she had a sister and her mother never told her about it since she probably thinks she has died. Though the mother is an NPC in this case.


It could be interesting I think. Just send me a PM and we can put out details if you'd like to RP.

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