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Veteran Smith looking for the right band of adventurers!

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I'm a long-time FFXIV Roleplayer, that hasn't roleplayed in a long-time. =(


That's really for two reasons.

1: I didn't get right into it at 2.0 launch because there was so much to do in this now-full-game I'd invested in the lore of already, and I sidelined RP for the first month or two to play the game.


2: I work overnights and sleep days, so it's hard to be on when others are.


That said, I'm looking for a group active around 6am-12pm EST (GMT-5). If this does not apply to you, I'm sorry, but I need to sleep approximately 12-8, and work 10-6.


I don't have many days off, and they are never consistent week to week, but if I am off, I'll usually get on earlier, before midnight.


With the technical stuff out of the way here's some character information:


  • Myllor Aurelion is a foreigner who arrived on the shores of Eorzea in the year 1570.
  • He was involved in two companies: The Red Lions, and The Eorzean Guard.
  • He joined the Immortal Flames and ascended to the rank of (Yeah yeah, Second Flame Lieutenant, same as everybody else!)
  • After the Calamity he was the owner of Tavern Soliloquy, alongside Abaigeal Causland, until it's previous owner, Xenedra Ambreaus, returned from the grave.(Read: 5-year time skip)
  • He has since been living in Coerthas, on land gifted to him.
  • He makes a living smithing for the Knights of the Holy See, and the occasional outside contract.
  • He can be found at an orphanage in Owl's Nest on occasion.(If you know what this is, kudos! If it doesn't exist after Heavensward, I'll have some ret-conning to do. lol)

These are all ways you could come into contact with me, or could have known me previously. For more about the character himself:


  • Myllor came to Eorzea as a Swordsman, and became renowned as a Sentinel, toting his trusted Scutum everywhere he went. He earned himself the monicker 'The Shield of Eorzea'.
  • He was a coliseum fighter known as 'Iron Wall Aurelion' and 'The Mysterious Conjurer'
  • Myllor has an affinity for White Magic.
  • He has spent much more time with the Knights of the Holy See than most foreigners ever have.
  • He is borderline Lawful Good, and True Neutral.
  • He just turned 33 his last name-day, on the 18th sun of the 5th Umbral moon.

The type of group I'm looking to join, is your youthful energetic band of adventurers trying to so some good in the world. That said, I'm flexible, and would fit in with a mercenary group just as well. I'm really just looking for younger, happier do-gooders. =P


That's all I can think of, if the times match up with anybody, and you think I'd be a good fit, please hit me up!

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I'm in this little adventuring Fellowship. We are a group of hand picked Ishgardian's all from different ranks and lifestyles, sent by the Holy See to Eorzea to investigate if the help they have been asking for is truly needed or not. Basically we need RP connections and events we can try to be part of. So please add me, you could bring in RP well needed plot points for the Fellowship. My Characters name is Natassia Galthens.

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