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Here! Have a music to star things off with: -xA84aIAWEk


Now, onto introducing myself.


As you can see, my username is Sorivity. However you are free to address me by Sori if you so please, or even by Ana. I'm completely comfortable with both, and will answer to both.


Pertaining to me, there's not a whole lot to talk about. I'm twenty-three years old, currently going to college for an English major. I am employed at a gas station, and while it's not the fanciest place to work and doesn't pay the best, it's a job I love. If you have a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life.


I have been an avid and enthusiastic roleplayer since I was little. I started approximately 10 years ago, back when I still played Runescape. I paid a visit to their forums, found the roleplaying subsection, and ended up going to town. I spent a lot of time on there, considering that my account has over 5,000 posts on the forum. Since then I've migrated to countless other games and forums, some of which include World of Warcraft, Wildstar, TERA, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and so very many more that I could drone on forever mentioning.


Suffice it to say I've been around the block, and now my new enjoyment is Final Fantasy XIV. I have several different characters, all of whom are on the Balmung server, and I found this website through a very close, very dear friend of mine who linked me the profile for their miqo'te. Seeing the bustling community, and an opportunity to whittle away time fleshing out characters in a more permanent facility for others to enjoy, I couldn't help but register and join on in the fun.


If anyone has any other questions they'd like to ask me, please feel free. I encourage you. I'm a pretty open person. Whether it pertains to me personally, my characters, or just anything really. I hope to get to know you all soon, and I hope I come to meet some new people and develop some new friendships.


Last, but most certainly not least:


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Don't you just love it when a website slaps your outside linked image with that "CLICK ME!" protection? Good stuff. xD


Welcome to the RPC! Better late arrival than never, no? :3 I'm sure you'll make plenty of connections with such a warm attitude.


I've a couple of Balmungians that are open to RP whenever I'm on, which is generally at around 7pm EST. My main is Steel, a big Roelady with a similarly big axe, and a just-created Elezenette by the name of Cliaux.


Be it in-game or in-forum, here's hoping we get to interact! And welcome again! <3

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Don't you just love it when a website slaps your outside linked image with that "CLICK ME!" protection?  Good stuff.  xD


Welcome to the RPC!  Better late arrival than never, no?  :3  I'm sure you'll make plenty of connections with such a warm attitude.  


I've a couple of Balmungians that are open to RP whenever I'm on, which is generally at around 7pm EST.  My main is Steel, a big Roelady with a similarly big axe, and a just-created Elezenette by the name of Cliaux.  


Be it in-game or in-forum, here's hoping we get to interact!  And welcome again! <3


Oh no, did it really? I may have to add a different image, then. I don't want to make people go out of their way just to look a GIF I posted.


Thank you kindly, though! I'm generally pretty available to RP at just about any given time as well. I currently have a miqo'te and a hyur, although the hyur is currently battling a bout of amnesia. It would never hurt to open up some potential avenues for new friends to help her ease into her new life.


Until she remember her old one, anyway.


Feel free to drop me a message (or say here) if you'd like to! Whether it's in-game or elsewhere, I'm fine with either! Thank you again for the equally warm reception and offer. :3

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I'd also like to just say.. *takes deep breath*  WELCOME!


It's always lovely to meet a new face, and My Lala Liliro Liro (Lili for shorts~) would love to meet you, Like you I've also been around the block playing games such as Runescape, WoW and SWTOR, and in my opinion? The Roleplay Community here at Balmung blows all those out the water! 

But I've leave that for you to make your own judgement, you won't be disappointed. Feel free to give me a message if you want me meet little me~ I may cause a little mischief but can promise a tun of fun! :3



Look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in game! ^.^





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I'd also like to just say.. *takes deep breath*  WELCOME!


It's always lovely to meet a new face, and My Lala Liliro Liro (Lili for shorts~) would love to meet you, Like you I've also been around the block playing games such as Runescape, WoW and SWTOR, and in my opinion? The Roleplay Community here at Balmung blows all those out the water! 

But I've leave that for you to make your own judgement, you won't be disappointed. Feel free to give me a message if you want me meet little me~ I may cause a little mischief but can promise a tun of fun! :3



Look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in game! ^.^






As I told Steel, you're more than welcome to send me a message here on the forum, or in-game! My characters are H'elah Sohn, my miqo'te, and Jodeth Tresdin, my hyur.


I also feel that the community here on Final Fantasy XIV is indeed better than any other I've seen so far, although the community on Wildstar was splendid as well. As I said before though, you're more than welcome to hit me up for some roleplaying any time!


Thank you for the warm welcome!

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Your choice of music is correct. You have my approval. c:


Thank you! Yes, I just found Blackmill the other night. I need more of them in my life.


Hello there, Ana! Welcome and Merry Christmas! :D


Thank you very much! Merry Christmas. :3


*Throws music at you and rubs your face* If you like techno-y voalizations, then I'd like to also introduce you to Veela who features in one of their songs. It's how I stumbled across her, she's a pretty famous Youtuber who's really sweet, modest, and sooo damn good at singing. Best song,

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Hello and welcome!


Also happy holidays and hope you have a good break from school as welll~


I too approve of this music you've posted.  It's pretty great, not even gonna lie.  And since you opened yourself to questions, I'm going to be a nosey butt, and ask a few: What do you like most about studying English?  Writing?  The 'rules' of the language itself? Everything?  Of course, you don't need to answer if you'd rather not, I'm just curious as I'd always been interested in the subject of English.  And that just spilled over into semantics when I got heavier into philosophy, but it's just neat how language changes and shapes our worldview.


But that aside, I've got a more game related question: Are you new to the game, or are you ready to RP?  Because if the latter applies, I'd totally like to hear more about H'elah and Jodeth.  :>  Let us all nerd out about characters.  But if you'd rather not let the secret out just yet, that's fine too.  Also, if the former applies, and you ever need someone to join you in dungeons or something, feel free to send me a tell on Xavarian Mystrife, and I'd not mind running something with you.  Depending on what class you're playing, the gueue times can be.. lengthy.

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Here! Have a music to star things off with: 


Enjoyable music.


Now, onto introducing myself.


...blah blah, yes. Hello... Mmmmmmmm. Oh I played those...



Last, but most certainly not least:

Doctor Who gif!


Okay, okay. You win. Can we be friends now?




Welcome to the RPC!


Enjoy your time here, we're a pretty decent bunch. If you need something just ask! Hope to see you in game!

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*Throws music at you and rubs your face* If you like techno-y voalizations, then I'd like to also introduce you to Veela who features in one of their songs. It's how I stumbled across her, she's a pretty famous Youtuber who's really sweet, modest, and sooo damn good at singing. Best song, *video snip*

*Purrs because facerubs*

I'm listening to it now, and it is nice! I'll give her a look! New people already turning me onto new music. I already know I'm going to like this place.


Hello and welcome!


Also happy holidays and hope you have a good break from school as welll~


I too approve of this music you've posted.  It's pretty great, not even gonna lie.  And since you opened yourself to questions, I'm going to be a nosey butt, and ask a few: *snipped*


But that aside, I've got a more game related question: Are you new to the game, or are you ready to RP?  Because if the latter applies, I'd totally like to hear more about H'elah and Jodeth.  :>  Let us all nerd out about characters.  But if you'd rather not let the secret out just yet, that's fine too.  Also, if the former applies, and you ever need someone to join you in dungeons or something, feel free to send me a tell on Xavarian Mystrife, and I'd not mind running something with you.  Depending on what class you're playing, the gueue times can be.. lengthy.

To answer your first question: Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, so do words. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest of hearts. Whether it's English, Russian, German, or Chinese, words are singularly one of the most powerful things in existence. I am both fascinated and terrified by them and the power they wield. By obtaining knowledge and proficiency in the use of words, I hope to one day pass it on to others so that they may become great in their own ways. Find solace, find happiness, find their calling. If I can do that for others, as words have done for me, then I will consider my life a success.


To answer your second question: I am indeed new to the game! I just bought it last month, and my miqo'te is my highest character. She's an archer, and I intend on going into bard as well. Healing and support classes have appealed to me in every game I've played, and it's really no different here. :3 I am also immediately available for some RP though, but will never, ever turn down a leveling buddy! It's not fun playing DPS Wait Queue Simulator 2014.


Okay, okay. You win. Can we be friends now?




Welcome to the RPC!


Enjoy your time here, we're a pretty decent bunch. If you need something just ask! Hope to see you in game!

If you like Doctor Who, we most certainly can be.

Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey.

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To answer your first question: Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, so do words. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest of hearts. Whether it's English, Russian, German, or Chinese, words are singularly one of the most powerful things in existence. I am both fascinated and terrified by them and the power they wield. By obtaining knowledge and proficiency in the use of words, I hope to one day pass it on to others so that they may become great in their own ways. Find solace, find happiness, find their calling. If I can do that for others, as words have done for me, then I will consider my life a success.


To answer your second question: I am indeed new to the game! I just bought it last month, and my miqo'te is my highest character. She's an archer, and I intend on going into bard as well. Healing and support classes have appealed to me in every game I've played, and it's really no different here. :3 I am also immediately available for some RP though, but will never, ever turn down a leveling buddy! It's not fun playing DPS Wait Queue Simulator 2014.


... First of all, that leading answer was absolutely amazing.  I'm sitting here not even knowing how to convey what I want to in response.  But I'm quite glad that I'd asked you that question, because reading that was both inspiring and thought-provoking in its own right.  It's quite clear where your passion lies.  I'm gonna try not to derail this thread by leaping headlong into how I agree with you, how language itself is almost a living entity that shapes our lives and understanding far more than people often give it credit for, and how incredibly fascinating it is to brush up against the barriers that words create and expand for us.  But!  I will say I think there's little doubt you're on your way to where you want to be, and hope you make it there~  


Second!  Yes, good.  I hope you're liking the game so far!  Unfortunately, my highest 'healing' class is 22 Arcanist (15 Conjurer, and then there's 50 Black Mage, oops.)   But if that's in your range, feel free to whisper Xavarian Mystrife if I'm around and you need more queue people, or if you just want to take down things quick and a pocket healer would be nice. :>  As for RP, you can totally send me a tell about that too! I'd be happy to have our characters meet sometime.  My character is actually a duskwight elezen mage (who's most certainly still striving for Aetherical mastery) working as a scribe and bookbinder, and he's only recently come to the surface to learn.. just about everything he can.  He's a total awkward nerd, but also on the mischievous side, and likes to experiment and explore just about everything... that isn't crowded.  Or terribly loud.  ... At night.  Definitely not sketchy at all.  *cough*    


But if you're interested in having your characters meet someone like that, feel free to poke me here, or in game.  :> I'd be happy to play with you.

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I will! I've been playing lots of Team Fortress 2 at the moment, breaking in my new Naga Razer. I should be online later tonight, so if you're still around I'll make sure to drop you a line! You're more than welcome to take your pick on who you'd like to interact with. All of you.

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