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Square Enix 1st Production Department Premier

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Square Enix has recently revealed some new games (largely based around Final Fantasy) for 2011 release. Since nobody has posted it yet, here's a quick review of the event's announcements (copy/pasted from Eorzeapedia).


~ FFXIII-2 was revealed along with the FFXIII-2's logo. The game will be released in 2011 simultaneously for the PS3 and the Xbox360.


~ The Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer will be available for viewing at the official site on the 20th. The other trailers will be available on the 27th. They will all be in HD.


~ FFXIII Versus is confirmed as an exclusive PS3 title.


~ FFXIII Agito changed it's name to "Final Fantasy 0-Shiki" AKA "Final Fantasy Type-0", it will come out in the summer of 2011 as a 2 disc release, and it will be part of a series of games, where future names will be Type-1, Type-2, etc.


~ Duodecim's new trailer is called Final Fantasy Prologus. It's available today for ¥300... Those that buy it will get Aerith as an assist character in the final retail version of the game.


~ The Duodecim trailer showed FFXI's Prishe as a plyable character, there were some hints at FFV's Gilgamesh, although the character itself didn't appear.


~ The PSP's FFIV title will come with a code to use in Duodecim (more than likely a costume for Cecil/Kain/Golbez or something).


~ Official title for the new KH game for the 3DS. "Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance."


Trailer for FF13-2 (in Japanese)--note that it starts with the ending of FF13 so if you haven't beat it yet, be warned of the spoiler:



More info is probably buried in the live coverage here: http://www.andriasang.com//e/blog/2011/ ... live_blog

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I had been hoping and praying they would release a FFXIII-2, as I felt as though that specific world wasn't expanded enough. It had so much potential, and while it wasn't terrible, the story wasn't amazing by any means. Doesn't change the fact that I loved it.


So, hopefully they nail it this time around.


I will say this, though. 2011 is shaping up to be an amazing year for gaming. Got a lot of great titles to look forward to from the gaming world, and it looks like I might have another SE title or two to add to that list. (Already dying of anticipation for Dead Space 2.)


Can't wait!

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FFXIII Agito changed it's name to "Final Fantasy 0-Shiki" AKA "Final Fantasy Type-0", it will come out in the summer of 2011 as a 2 disc release, and it will be part of a series of games, where future names will be Type-1, Type-2, etc.


These games are what hold the most interest to me I think, has some cool potential.


And I know its Eidos... but the new Deus Ex looks like it could be all kinds of awesome.

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So many awesome FFXI characters they could have added...and they went with Prishe ><


S'ok though. Just balances out the awesomeness from adding Laguna. Of course...putting in Vaan pushes the balance back towards suck again.


Want Celes or Edgar this time around. Preferably Celes >.>

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