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I'm New and I Have Questions (And You Have Answers!)


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Hello, all!


I'm fairly new to FF14, but I'm far from new to RP, having leadership and participant experience in more than one RP organization in various mediums (from MMO to forum) among other, less critical details. This leaves me in an awkward position--I demand that I be without any risk of violation of lore, yet I know almost none of the lore.


My question is fairly simple; how implausible would the following character concept be?


A fairly young (and potentially Duskwight, though this is mainly due to ignorance at the character creation screen) Elezen whose primary goal in life is the acquisition of knowledge pertaining to the basic workings of the world and its properties--in addition to an innate attunement to Aether--which has led her to Ul'dah to pursue the path of a Thaumaturge.


She is very prideful of her people, as they possess the longest history and, in her mind, are the most 'civilized'. She is not rude, as this would impede her progress in adapting to civilization outside of Gridania, but she possesses the quiet and innate sense of superiority one may expect from such a race.


I'm entirely open to criticism, and I'm still unsure as to the best sources to find lore for this game (as the wiki has left me rather empty-handed, as I'm sure you can see here) or if I'm even on the right track. Your help is appreciated, and regardless, thanks for your welcome.

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As far as lore is concerned, your concept is solid! ^^


As for finding lore, I'm sorry to say there's no one space with a lore dump so you'll learn to look in a myriad of places for tiny snippets. The best place is truly in game. Read quest text and leve/fate descriptions, and most items you pick up have a tiny lore snippets about them.


If you have any specific lore questions or want to discuss lore things, feel free to message me any time or just post them here. ^^

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Oh gosh. Welcome! And to answer briefly (as others have said) that all sounds good!


I have a duskwight of a similar mind; out for Knowledge about the world on the unfamiliar 'surface', and trying to learn all he can from everyone he meets. He too is studying thaumaturgey (along with the other Aetherical arts, when he can manage) and has a strange connection to his own Aether that is sometimes problematic. That said, your concept seems perfectly sound to me. :>


One of the best ways to find more lore is to play the game, as others already mentioned. I know upon learning that when I joined, that I was inclined to play through a decent amount before I even wanted to begin RPing, just so I didn't mess something up. That said, though, the game is pretty nice itself; there is so much lore that is brought up by the main story quest, just random npcs, and various other side quests, and it's something the game does a really good job at keeping subtle, but there, instead of having it separated from everything else (like some do with journals or books or something). The lore isn't really just dumped on you, but very nicely integrated.


I'd also recommend screencapping lore bits you find in game that you might want to look up later, because, as it turns out, you will often find a lot of it mid dialogue. I know this has definitely helped me when I wanted to go back and look for something specific.


Lastly, if you settle on a concept and would like to RP sometime, I'd be glad to have our characters meet! I've not actually run into any other duskwight characters (that aren't terribly removed from their culture) thus far for my own to bounce off of, but if you go with this concept, and yours is also out for knowledge, has a proficiency and interest in Aether, and wouldn't mind the company of someone a little.. cryptic, then I would definitely be interested in the two of our characters meeting. :>


Feel free to prod me with questions or about RPs too, either here on the forums, or in-game (on Xavarian Mystrife), if you're on Balmung.

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Oh gods. That's.. a very difficult question.


Mostly because it's like saying 'How exactly should a(n) [insert race of person here] act?'


Basically, whatever you want your character to be like.


Duskwights in general (if we're talking about the Shroud-born, cave-dwelling ones), though, are portrayed (in lore) as a 'looked down upon' race. They're often eyed for theivery and shady dealings because they don't necessarily abide by the same 'rules' that those in Gridania often make such a huge deal out of following. Though based on some things I've seen, it's been implied that they were never bound to those rules by the elementals like the wildwoods were in the first place, and the wildwoods just "never got the memo" that this was cool.


Though, the people who think they are troublemakers aren't exactly wrong; there are some troublemaking duskwight npcs, though most of the time, the ones you see that are clearly noted as duskwights are being admonished for doing something wrong (like stealing) or otherwise being spoken down to. Honestly, there aren't a lot of them to base much off of; it's one of the more lore-lacking races in the game.


Edit: I think the Redbellies are duskwights too, but I never actually figured that out? And they are like a group of aggressive bandits, though they help you at least once. SO. *sweats*

I also forgot about the scholarly ones who were studying one of the abandoned underground cities uncovered by the calamity. They are basically just a couple of chilling archeologists though, and don't do anything shady to speak of, really.


Duskwight culture seems to be mostly off-screen, since they are secretive, reclusive, and live underground. But it's implied that they have various families and clans, and due to this, people take their characters in different directions.


In terms of actual lore, it's been said that 1) They don't care much for cities or establishments with lots of rules. 2) They don't usually care for outsiders and thus, probably have close family ties or at least a heavy pride in their own culture (they are still mostly secluded for a reason), however, if you have a duskwight above ground, then clearly there has to be some reason for it. They can't really get away from outsiders once they're above ground. 3) They have super crazy sensitive hearing, and (tend to) live in caverns / underground homes of some sort.


The last part had me form headcanons about duskwights always talking to each other in whispers and hushed voices, since their ears are so good, and one more reason they can't stand the surface is because everything is so loud. Another thing I figured is that they'd prooobably be light sensitive, and I thus made mine generally nocturnal. He always talks very quietly, and can't really see that well in light.


I know that isn't really much, but there's honestly not a ton to go on, so I'd just say play a personality that you like, and use the lore to shape them into something that fits with whatever story you're going for. :>

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Alright, that makes sense. I'm going to have to write that into my character more, as it seems interesting--the original idea I had was far too removed from the culture, and I simply hate RPing as a race with no actual representation of their culture featured in my play.


Thanks for your help again, and maybe I'll catch you in game when I log on! :)

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You're welcome! There's more stuff out there, you really just have to look, but honestly it's not much. At least that I've come across, anyway.


And I know how that is too, I really wanted to track down as much lore on them as I could find, and incorporate a number of things, but alas. I suppose there's nothing wrong with a decent amount of freedom though.


Anyway, I'd be glad to play with you sometime. :> I'm probably on the forums more often than I'm in game, but feel free to catch me whenever!

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