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Patch 1.15a Details


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Patch notes are up: http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/topics/detail?id=bc65fe2c10004f51f9db9ac890e7747509498cca



-Party bonuses have been adjusted to award larger amounts of skill and experience points based on party size.


-The amount of skill and experience points awarded for solo battle between ranks 20 and 24 has been balanced to facilitate leveling.


-Defeating an enemy of a higher rank than oneself now awards more skill and experience points, while defeating lower rank enemies yields less skill and experience points.




-Stack size limits for all items in the following categories that were 12 have been increased to 99:


Sundries, Throwing Stones, Eggs, Vegetables, Spices, Fruits, Mushrooms, Foodstuffs, Freshwater Fare, Saltwater Fare, Meats, Dyes, Paints, Reagents, Metals, Unrefined Metals, Metal Sheets, Metal Wires, Weapon Heads, Weapon Butts, Weapon Grips, Chainmail Meshes, Armor Metals, Clasps, Raw Wood, Hides, Leathers, Furs, Armor Hides, Armor Leathers, Footwear Parts, Bones, Teeth & Claws, Wings, Armor, Ores, Stones, Gemstones, Fibers, Cloth, Hooded Attire Cloth, Cloth Bodies, Smallclothes Cloth, Cloth Sleeves, Front Cloth, Back Cloth, Armor Cloth, Feathers, and Armor Parts


* Stack sizes do not apply to unique items.


View further details on specific items: http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl ... eykjw.html


-The categories of the following items have been changed.

Item Previous Category ã New Category

Growth Formula Alpha Panacea â Reagent

Growth Formula Beta Panacea â Reagent

Growth Formula Gamma Panacea â Reagent

Scallop Shell Saltwater Fare â Scute & Scale

Sunrise Tellin Saltwater Fare â Scute & Scale

Miter Shell Saltwater Fare â Scute & Scale

Blacklip Oyster Saltwater Fare â Scute & Scale

Salted Butter Dairy Product â Foodstuff

Sweet Cream Dairy Product â Foodstuff


-Distilled Water can no longer be consumed.




-The text command /clock has been improved to now now display the following information.

Time remaining until guildleve reissue

Time remaining until anima regeneration

Time remaining until next behest


-The text command /display head (on/off) has been added.

/display head on â Display head gear.

/display head off â Hide head gear.

* This command cannot be used while in active mode.


-The log can now be made active via mouse only by by clicking on a tab or the scroll bar.

This allows for the targeting of characters displayed behind the log simply by clicking on them normally.

* Clicking on another widget while the log is active will cause the log to become inactive.


-The log will be now be temporarily hidden after a certain period of log inactivity.

Also, the /textclear (on/off) text command, or simply /tc (on/off), has been added in conjunction with this feature.

/textclear on â Enable log auto-hiding.

/textclear off â Disable log auto-hiding.

/textclear â Toggle between enabling and disabling log auto-hiding.

* Clicking on any of the log tabs, which will remain visible, or opening a text prompt in the General tab, will cause the log to reappear. Incoming messages will also automatically cause the log to be shown again.

System messages now appear only in the log's General tab.

This allows players to use log settings to create battle-only or chat-only tabs that will not contain system messages. In addition, the default values restored by selecting the Restore Defaults option under main menu » Configuration » Chat Log, have been adjusted.


-The font color of system messages has been changed from purple to a more visible blue.


-The market area selection window now contains all market areas in one scrollable window.


-Mouse scroll speed has been increased when accessing main menu » Journal » Quests, to view quest details.


-The size of the guildleve information window has been increased to ease viewing and minimize scrolling.


-3-D battle text color-coding has been changed in the following manner.

Message Type Font Color

Damage dealt by you Yellow

Actions by you that miss or are evaded Yellow

Status effects caused by you Yellow

Healing to self Blue

Damage dealt by enemies Red

Actions by enemies that miss or are evaded Red

Status effects caused by enemies Red

Healing to enemies Blue

Damage dealt by others White

Actions by others that miss or are evaded White

Status effects caused by others White

Healing to others Blue


-The placement of 3-D battle text, such as damage and healing values, has been altered to prevent overlapping.


-The following changes have been made to in-game maps, accessed via main menu » Map.

Information displayed on maps now appears more quickly.

Zoom settings from previous viewings are now remembered when opening maps.


-A field-of-view highlight showing the direction a character is facing is now visible on the minimap. This highlight will appear in red while in active mode.

Third-person Perspective: Displays the direction the camera is facing.

First-person Perspective: Displays the direction the character is facing.


-Instance-related boundaries are now more visible on the minimap.


-Camera distance settings will no longer change during combat when locked onto a target in third-person display mode.


-The placement of various in-game windows have been adjusted.


-Pressing Cancel on the Teleport interaction window listing available teleport locations now returns players back to the region selection screen, rather than exiting entirely.


-Item search results are now displayed with more detailed information.


-Up to twenty (20) search results are now shown in ascending order by price, together with the retainer name, unit of sale, and market area.


-Item search result quantities now reflect all market areas, rather than just the market area associated with the designated item's category.


-Retainers now always face the same direction as when summoned.


-Main hand gathering animations have been adjusted to speed up gathering actions.


-The processing burden caused by the graphic display of characters has been improved.



*Fixed Bugs

-An issue wherein some character graphics were being displayed after a significant delay has been addressed.

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A lot of minor changes. I can't say much of what I wanted to see was put into effect here, but I suppose they have to fix the little things before they work on the big things. A nice Patch this time around, a lot of little tweeks that can only improve game play.


I must say the better SP for rank 20-40 is a welcomed change. A game that is not supposed to be foccused on level grinding, it was really starting to feel like it was foccusing on level grinding! I ranked up today from quarter of the way through 30, to 31 on gld with 5 leves and a behest.


Devilet Inside was getting me 600sp per kill on 5 stars for the Assissians and 300 for the devilets and whisps. Not bad at all!


Levinshower was netting me 250 on one star with GF. I'm impressed over all.

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