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Hey everyone!


Been a lurker for...a while, and I've finally mustered up some courage to say hello. I'd like to make an effort to be active here and participate in cool things! ...yep. 


Let me just dig up the ol' RP profile...Here!


Nice to meet you all! :D


*skitters away*

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Hey Faye! I've seen you around, though only in passing. Also went to HoD's masquerade event, which was amazing. Nice to officially meet you, we should RP sometime!


Liliiiii! DX *swat* <3

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Hey Faye! I've seen you around, though only in passing. Also went to HoD's masquerade event, which was amazing. Nice to officially meet you, we should RP sometime!



I'm glad you enjoyed it! =D Definitely!

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I've always loved the name Locke - awww Final Fantasy 5 how I adore you...


But before I get all nostalgic: WELCOME!


Thank you! I've actually never played FF5...but I hear it's great, and I've been meaning to try it sometime. Just need to find the time to sit down and do it one of these days.


Welcome! "May your path in the light of the crystal" bring you many experiences and memories!


Thanks very much. \o/ Looking forward to it!

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