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A Duck made me do it

Aoi Fukiku

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I blame Dr.(Duck)Quackers for having me come out of the shadows but I suppose it is time for a 'Oh Hi, my name is..." post.


I am Auriaune Fournier. I often head to the Quicksand to just watch people RP since half the time I am looking at another window doing either work, watching videos, or just chatting with friends. I love RP and PVE so I try to keep both even. I try to rp with everyone. I know there are people who love to RP but just do not know how to get it started- so I like to help with that!


I have been in several games; most of my life spent in World of Warcraft as Foofy where I joined in 05 as resto until Wrath when I did heavy Moonkin Theorycrafting and then went resto for Cata before calling it quits for Mist. Perhaps this is why I love White mage so much? Either way, I suppose you could say..


WoW lost its..


Wow factor.


*bum bum das*


I played CO for about 2 years after that with the @tag of @Vio-Lena. Without much to do at max level besides run around and farm costumes for contests I grew bored and began to hop games. I ended up on Wildstar as Evangelica (Evangelica Monroe after last names were put in) and Elene (Elene Matthos). Sadly, with Mega servers scaring all the RPers away in to their housing plots I quickly grew bored of the harsh RNG that was Malgrave trail (Still never got my psyblade).


So, here I am! This is my second time back actually! My buddy, L'aenoh Tia tried to get me in to this game while I was spazzing over Wildstar and its beta. Once the game released I had to pick on and Wildstar at the time won. So, I am back and actually alive...I think?


*checks pulse*


Close enough.


Here are my children to keep you company after my awesome post!



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ah ha


i did it


drducker #1


take your god damn popcorn back and give me the good stuff

No sir, you may not have the good stuff! You are only allowed stale popcorn and bread!


Also, thanks for the welcome, Ameline!

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