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Wiki Update (2/21/11)


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The wiki overhaul is mostly complete, save for some minor issues that still need worked out.


:moogle: A new theme has been installed, drastically changing the look of the wiki.


:moogle: The navigation menu has been altered to support subcategories, along with other additions.


:moogle: A temporary logo has been added. A new logo has been added, courtesy of Willowhalfmask.


:moogle: Categories have been altered. âCanonicalâ and âNon-canonicalâ subcategories no longer exist. This is to make the layout simpler and easier to understand. If you wish to add non-canonical (player made) lore, please indicate as such in your wiki post via a stub or quick mentioning at the top.


:moogle: Stories category has been removed due to lack of use. Stories can still be posted on these forums regardless in the Town Square section.


:moogle: Various new content has been added.


Known issues


:moogle: Some colors still need editing.


:moogle: Internet Explorer users will encounter a minor glitch in the top menu (next to the log out button).


:moogle: The license info is not yet displayed in the footer, but it is still under the same license. This requires coding additions in which Iâll have to wait until FreelanceWizard is free to do so.


:moogle: Page stats do not display on the new theme. This goes with the license issue and needs recoding to work properly.


Future changes


:moogle: The logo will be replaced whenever someone with artistic talent decides to submit one to us.


:moogle: Equipment category will be renamed to âArtifacts.â


:moogle: New categories will likely be added. Feel free to suggest what youâd like to see. Other categories will continue to be cleaned up if they are not needed/used.


I hope that these changes have made things much simpler on the wiki and will thus encourage more additions to it. There are still a ton of things missing entirely or just partially filled. Images could help spruce up some pages as well. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to any and all categories, especially Lore, Locations, and Bestiary. Any links you see in red are in need of being filled out.

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