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Syldra's Revenge - For Those About To ROCK! IC Primal Fight - Titan

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What: Titan Hard Mode

When: January 31st, 2015 4:00 p.m. EST To convert to your time zone please use http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Where: Camp Overlook


Back by popular demand! IC Primal Fights! Join us in our madcap adventure to KILL THE GODS! You'll be surprised at how fun deicide can be!


Obviously we'll need at least 8 people for this! Join Captain Dogberry Himalspyr, Alexander Stormwind, and Rhianna Oruissi in a fight against the Primals! They claim to be doing research for the betterment of Eorzea. Can they be trusted? Find out!


After the fight, join us for RP at Rhianna's home in Lavendar Beds, Subdivision 4, Plot 52!

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Bumping this! C'mon folks. If you haven't joined us for our previous primal battles, this is your chance to join in on the fun!


If your character wouldn't ICly be interested, but you yourself are, you can always play as a different person. We've had people do that before!


RIP Tom Berry ;-;

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Yes! Thanks for the bump! We are always willing to take on mercenaries if your character isn't interested. Red dye will be provided for all chest slot pieces.


If you're worried that we'll fill up to 8 and leave you out, we can run the instance several times to get everyone through, as kind of a "double jeopardy" kind of deal where ol' Titan decides he's not out of the fight yet and attacks us again.

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Might toss a character into this! /rubhands


No more Toms? ((Do it))


I'm not sure if I'll be on but if I am and you need a person I can roll in. Since I'm not RPing really he'd be a merc for hire etc.

No more Toms, I think! Someone else'll have to be the redshirt this time lol. I may bring Berrod, or Blood!

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