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Looking for an RP buddy (And possibly more)

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Despite what the title says, I want this totally in game. No real life stuff. (Sometimes it gets kind of creepy). 


I'm looking for a romantic RP partner with another male. I'm also looking for normal RP with anybody else. I don't know if this is appropriate, but I tried to find a rules page and I didn't see one. I also skimmed over the other posts, and I think this is okay to say. ^^ 


Anywhoodles. I'm trying all leads and avenues to find my perfect RP partner. Someone who isn't crazy, please. I've had enough of crazy. :P 


Poke me in game, or I guess on here. (I just figured out how notifications worked X3) 


If you'd like to know more about Clear, then, let's talk! It'll be fun. ^^ 


Thank you for your patience, and I hope to hear from lots of you soon. ^_^ Please take care.


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