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Glad you like them. Added a few more videos today. ^^ 1080p this time, too.


The Goobbue.

Of Mites and Men.

The triangle of pain.


It's almost turning into a high-tier video beastiary. I guess part of the motivation behind making the videos was to put out some footage of the expansive areas and enemies this game has. The challenges one can just go out and make. Show that it's not always slow and boring at the top.


I'm currently fleshing out a Gridania exploration video, where we went to some areas behind some pretty nasty enemies. (Ones that I couldn't even stand a chance against.) Found some pretty interesting stuff, and I'll be posting that video once it's done.I'll also be doing one for Thanalan, Mor Dhona, and possibly Coerthas. Though those won't be out for quite some time.


And of course, I'm still plugging away at my Linkshell OP masterpiece.

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[align=center]It's been a long month, but the video is finally finished for all to see.[/align]


[align=center]Outer Heaven's Linkshell opening[/align]


For those of you who don't know the character, and can't pick up on the subtle metaphors I tried to lay into the video both through visuals and audio, here's a brief overview below.


This video follows Endemerrin across La Noscea and into Thanalan, giving insight into his daily struggles and distances traveled to reclaim everything that was taken away from him. His sister, his home, his very way of life. It was something he dealt with alone for many years. Bearing the burden on his shoulders, and his shoulders alone. That's something that changed when he ended up tangled up with the company of Outer Heaven. With the strong bonds and friendships he made, he found he was no longer alone in his search, and his faith renewed. The rain stopped pouring on his head, and the skies cleared up to show the bright future that could easily be in his grasp.

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Just a friendly update -


We've started to upload videos of us duoing the various guildleve NMs to the account. ^^


Right now we have Deadeyes and Tarbh up, with the Drake video to come tommorow. (It's already been filmed, just needs to be edited.)



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  • 4 months later...

Yet another update since a few new videos have been uploaded since my last post. :>


Recently added videos of tank PoV kills on the two bosses within the Dzemael Darkhold. Plan on doing it from my LNC or PUGs point of as well when I get around to it. Half the time I forget to film when we go in, and the other half of the time I don't have the program running.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Went ahead and made a how to video for defeating Ifrit using our linkshell's strategy.

Hope it helps some of you more endgame oriented players in defeating Ifrit, since it seems like a lot of the community is still struggling with him. ^^'

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Recorded a few videos of solo gameplay with a few of the new jobs for people who might want to see what they're all about. Planning on adding Black Mage some time soon-ish.



[bBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIJqg47rm3w&list=UUPf1GZ6_B1MqcTCL6NHyuEw&index=4&feature=plcp[/bBvideo]


[bBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyidy8o7FsY&list=UUPf1GZ6_B1MqcTCL6NHyuEw&index=3&feature=plcp[/bBvideo]


[bBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqXhf2n3VNU&list=UUPf1GZ6_B1MqcTCL6NHyuEw&index=2&feature=plcp[/bBvideo]


[bBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51dRB9dACWU&list=UUPf1GZ6_B1MqcTCL6NHyuEw&index=1&feature=plcp[/bBvideo]

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Bleh.Could have been better if I put in more time. But thank you very much for the compliment. I am looking into going to Film School eventually, but it'd be for nothing related to this most likely. Tinkering around in Vegas doesn't even come close to comparing with editing a real film, anywho. xD


Doing stuff like this is just a hobby.

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  • 1 month later...

Lots of new videos these days.


This is probably one of my favorite videos I'm made thus far. I didn't really advertise it, but I figured I'd throw it down on this thread again.

[bBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5P4gw0NuQ8&list=UUPf1GZ6_B1MqcTCL6NHyuEw&index=6&feature=plcp[/bBvideo]



Lots of various endgame / solo videos up now as well. Really crappy Miser run, too. Been meaning to record a sub 20 minute Aurum Vale speed run / Cutter's Cry speed run and upload those.


Will also record and release one of our Garuda clears soon-ish. I kept forgetting while we farmed.

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  • 2 months later...

Uploaded our kill video of Nael deus Darnus earlier. Figured I'd just drop it here on the ol' thread. All spoilered up to prevent the thumbnail of the video from leaking anything.



[bBvideo 425,350]



Only remembered to record phase 2 for this video, but you really aren't missing much from phase 1. It's incredibly boring compared to phase 2.


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It's very fun. Beat it a few more times the other night, and I still want to keep going in even though there's no loot to be had. I can't wait for the hard mode.




Threw together another video, this one being sort of a crummy teaser trailer of the Seventh Umbral Era storyline. Gave me some trouble, so I just wrapped it up and decided to upload it without giving it too much scrutiny.


Spoilers abound, naturally.




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  • 11 months later...

Totally made a new video for the first time in foreeeeever. 1.0 players will probably find this funnier than anyone else.


[align=center]I hated that song so, so much after the first festival.[/align]


[align=center]qVjsLWoN6Rw [/align]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Started doing videos again. We were waiting to bang out binding coil for the week and this happened.



Got footage of our turns 1-4 clears for the night, though I don't know when I'm gonna stop being lazy and render all of those out.

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