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I am terrible at these things, but hello all! I am Deks. 20-something anthropology student, writer, artist, and long time rper.I recently managed to move over to Balmung.


 I've been playing MMOs and RPing for about 12 years, my beginnings being with tabletop (World of Darkness), and most recently I've been playing Wildstar, but I needed a change. As I grew up playing Final Fantasy and I had some experience with the ARR beta, I gave the trial a chance and now I'm hooked.


 I have a FF tumblr, http://adeksreborn.tumblr.com/ , and will be getting my characters up on the wiki soon...eventually...one day. For the moment, you can usually find me on T'vaasi Ormad, who will soon be involved in all sorts of White Magery.


  Hoping to get to know many of you!

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Hi other new person. :D Anthropology?! My best friend has a masters in that. And archaeology. I'm such a simpleton I just listen and nod at her discussions. Little beyond my reach!~


   I've just started taking courses with archaeology material. I'm more cultural/linguistic anthropology but the archaeology stuff is very cool.


 Also thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!

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Hi other new person. :D Anthropology?! My best friend has a masters in that. And archaeology. I'm such a simpleton I just listen and nod at her discussions. Little beyond my reach!~


   I've just started taking courses with archaeology material. I'm more cultural/linguistic anthropology but the archaeology stuff is very cool.


 Also thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!



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