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Looking for MRP for a criminal Seeker!

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Ahoy there. I'm currently on the hunt for some MRP for my character, R'kraz Tia, whom is currently involved in criminal activities and smuggling. Some connections and friends for him would be great as most people are (understandably) turned off of him when they find out what he does for a living. His brash and abrasive personality doesn't help him in that regard either though I'm told in some cases it can be rather endearing and amusing to interact with.


((Got the relationship side of it all sorted out, woo progress!))


I'm GMT based however due to rampant insomnia my hours are all over the place so I'd most likely be able to accommodate RP partners of most time zones. Feel free to drop me a line in game, in this thread or via a PM!


Wiki is still a WIP (o lord so much to write) though more details are available on request.

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Hey there!


Reina here's a street thief with a lot of secrets, very much out for herself and doesn't generally let herself get caught up in more organized crime. She's a character who can fit all sorts of RP, and R'kraz would probably be the type of person she's seen around. Reina would be the perfect sort of person not to be turned off by the knowledge of what he does and to go toe to toe with any abrasiveness.


I'll go ahead and say she's 'taken' romantically (that, meaning...taken but she's her. Not answering this as a matchmaking post, you know? Just for fun RP), just so that's out of the way. But I'm intrigued by the idea of more mature themes and criminal RP, and I'm trying to expand her connections.


I'll probably try to contact you in game since I'm spotty on the forums. My character name in game is the same as my username here: Reina Dancer. I also have a wiki up for her. 90% finished. >.>

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Aerius is a bit of a criminal. He takes all kinds of work from the seedier sides of Ul'dah but specializes in theft, spying, and investigation. He does his best to keep that side of what he does to himself, but if your character already has ties to those parts of the city, it's more than likely they would've heard about him here or there.


I'm always looking for people to meet who do that same kind of stuff; connections are pretty important! I have a wiki for him too if you want a better idea of the character. I'll keep an eye out for you! :D

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Mazhara Tia is an informant for an unlawful society he has just joined, and while he is not really into thieving or burgling someone's pockets, he is not adverse to taking another person's life should it all come to that. Mazh is an introvert, calm in a pleasant manner, though he will be on guard the instant 'job opportunities' are mentioned. He already has quite a few people after him due to his sharp ears and even sharper claws.

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Doendraga is a smuggler himself and captain of a ship out of Limsa Lominsa so you're definitely not the only criminal out there! ;-) maybe we can even work out a business relationship? After all in there line of work it's all about networking lol I'm also working on connecting him with people who work in the "procurement of specific goods" as well as fencing so we can help each other branch out. I'm MST though unfortunately so I'm about 7 hours behind you but if you see me hit me up! I'm on as Doendraga more often then not

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Shameless Plug!;









We are currently growing in numbers, the FC side is rather small (and optional given many of us already have FC's they do not wish to leave) You can become part of the RP group by joining the Linkshell solely and getting recruited through IC measures. Our Linkshell currently has 30 people and growing

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