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Good Morn/Noon/Eve!

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Hello~ My name is Sammish, and I play Madelaine Lachance and Bearforce One on Balmung server. I've been playing for quite a while now (started on Adamantoise, then recently switched over) and actually just learned about the RPC today! If you're on tumblr, you may know me by my URLS mmmsammishes or llymlaenscompass.


Uh, some quick rundown information from the template!

- MMORPG experience: FFXIV was actually the first REAL MMORPG I've ever dived into. I did have a MapleStory phase wayyyyyy back in.... 2000-something? But I feel like everyone has had that phase before. : P I've reached the end of the current story content for 2.5 (on my non RP character in Adamantoise) so I'm pretty well-versed in the FFXIV endgame.


- RP experience: Oh boy, I've been RPing for several years now. Recently having gotten back into it after a long dry spell back in 2011-12, I've been RPing regularly since then. I like to do light, chatty RPs as well as long narrative RPs. In-game, or through tumblr is where I do most of my RPing.


- Character info: You can find tons of info on my characters on my tumblr here. Uh, cliffnotes version is: Madelaine Lachance is a Wildwood female who is a lance-arm for the Sanguine Sirens going on four summers now. Bearforce One is a Highlander male whose mother was killed by Wood Wailers during a caravan to the Quarrymill, and was raised by the Sylphs.


- How did you learn about the coalition? I actually just learned of it today. I was doing some leves in Moraby today when I heard through /shout that the Piquant Pumpkin Cafe was having a party. I'd never heard of the Piquant Pumpkin before, but it sounded adorable, so I went to check it out. Had a blast, and now I'm here!


- What kind of roleplayer do you want to be? I'm actually a heavy roleplayer--most of my time in FFXIV is spent RPing, hence why all of my characters on Balmung are still doing 2.0 story content. I'm hoping to find a linkshell or two that is moderately active with later night RPers (or at least, PST RPers : P ) I'm currently in the FC "The Riskbreakers" as well as their linkshell of the same name, and they are a predominantly EST FC/LS.


- Anything else? Uh..... My work schedule is pretty spontaneous, so I'm usually on later in the evening PST-wise (REALLY late for my EST friends). I love illustration and digital painting, and enjoy drawing/doodling scenes from past RPs that I've done. I've RPed several canon characters of the FF series on tumblr, as well as a few OCs. Speaking of, I'm WAY active on tumblr, so if you ever want to get ahold of me, sending me an ask on tumblr is the best way to do it!


And.... if you've gotten this far, holy hells you're amazing. Thanks for reading all of that. And uh, yeah I hope to RP with a lot of you soon! If you ever see me around in-game, please don't hesitate to say hi to me. I love meeting new folks, whether you wanna jump straight into RP or you literally just want to say "hey I know you from ____!" But yeah, I'm a super laidback and chill person so don't ever feel shy to hit me up for anything. c:

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