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Gharen's totally not "actual" art thread


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So, every now and again I get an idea... most of these ideas go absolutely no where because I lack the actually skill or know how to do bring them to fruition. And then every now and then I get an idea I can do something about at which point I coerce friends into being test subjects for said idea.


This is the latest in an attempt to create a Journal for Gharen's Wiki comprised of friends and people that have left a lasting mark upon him. The following would have been done by him as a character and I will likely be adding to them to create the aforementioned Journal for his wiki.


(Note: These are not hand drawn, they are screenshots that I've edited to try and make them look hand drawn, I won't claim to have nearly the talent that some of the RPC's artists put on display.)


Delial Grimsong



Roen Deneith



Evangeline Primrose



Natalie McBeef



Coatleque Crofte



Obsidian Hornet



Rivienne Delacroux-Navarre






Delial Grimsong



Jajara jara



Edda Eglantine



Osric Melkire




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Thanks, =) I'm going for the look of Charcoal sketches, and took inspiration from a few sources. Nat's was kind of hard to do because I was listening to Billy Boyd's - The Last Goodbye on repeat while doing these to try and set a tone for them.

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Yeah I wish I had even a modicum of Talent to have actually drawn these. I'm using Photoshop CS5, though I'm likely to swap to CS6 here in the next day or two. Delial's was my 1st attempt and as I've learned a few things as I've worked on the others. So I might revisit hers soon.


I'm going for a charcoal look and feel to the drawings hence the smudging to make it look like these were not drawn by a professional.

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Started implementing a few new tricks, so here are 3 more with another on the way once I have permission to post it. I'll be going back and retouching the original set to bring them up to snuff with this latest batch.

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