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Looking For Fresh Faced Raiders


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Hello everyone!


The XI:7 raid static is looking to fill a couple of spots. We are currently looking for a Scholar for the support healer position and a Warrior for the off-tank position. If you're interested in joining, here is some of the information:


  • We get together every Monday night at 6pm through 9pm Mountain to clear 8-man content such as Coil and Ex Primals. Our ultimate goal is to become proficient enough at all the fights that we might help others in the community clear content and get items that they may not have a chance at because of the toxic PuG community. If you're looking to just burn through content to get your drops and log off, unfortunately this team is not for you.
  • The team is currently at Turn 9 (SCoB Turn 4). Once we make a final decision on our last teammates, we'll be working to down that then afterwards alternate between farming Second Coil for gear, downing Extreme Primals, and getting through Final Coil. We hope to get through Final Coil before the expansion hits so that our team is ready for the new raid content as it comes out.
  • We will be holding "try outs" for anyone interested in the spots. We'll be bringing people in to run content with us during our usual raid time until we find someone with the skill and attitude that fits our team. Replying to this thread is NOT a guarantee of a spot. So even if there are other people posting, please feel free to post here or send me a message with your information so we can add you to the try out schedule.
  • Though we're not super strict on current ilevel (especially since come the 31st i120s/i130s will be showered on everyone) we do need someone ready for Second Coil (i90-i100ish).
  • Scholar or Warrior MUST be your main class. We expect everyone in the team to be gearing their classes out by capping tomes every week and any other weekly ilevel activities. With our casual style, gear becomes even more important to clear content.
  • You must have a basic knowledge of your class. We're not elitists, but we do expect you to know how to use your class. For Scholars that means knowing how to use and utilize your fairy, knowing when/how to use Sacred Soil, etc. For Warriors that means understanding CD management, Wrath management, and knowledge of the enmity system. If you'd like some help better learning your job, we're more than happy to lend a hand! As long as you are willing to learn, we will run you through content and help you master your class. (As a side note, it will not be expected pre-Heavensward, but come the expansion the Warrior will be expected to have a DPS class leveled up in case of a solo-tank situation. What it is or what ilevel it is isn't a big concern. Just something.)
  • You HAVE NOT cleared Turn 9. We don't care if you haven't stepped foot into any turn of Coil. We can and will help you learn and catch up. We want everyone on the same page and working together as our team.
  • We require a good attitude. We work hard to keep a friendly environment. Wipes are going to happen. A lot. They are going to happen more often if the team has a hostile environment. If you make a mistake, laugh about it, learn from it, and try again. If there are things being done that are hindering the progression overall, the raid leaders will deal with it. Under no circumstances is it alright to call out your fellow raiders. If wipes frustrate you, then you might not be a good fit.
  • You must have TeamSpeak. We need you to AT LEAST be able to hear us, though being able to speak with us is preferred to not put strain on the raid communications. No one will judge you on what your voice sounds like, and if they do they will be dealt with.
  • Skype is preferred. We send raid notifications and strategy videos through a group conversation. It is also one of the easiest ways of letting us know when you can't make it. If for whatever reason you cannot have Skype, it is up to you to provide alternative methods of contact, look up videos, and understand that you may not get all the details of what is going on and why.
  • You must be available on the raid night for the full three hours. Life happens, we understand that completely. Sometimes we'll start late if work lets out late for someone. Or we might end a raid early occasionally if we deem it necessary. However, being consistently late, absent, or leaving early is not acceptable. You are expected to be accountable to your team. We only raid once a week, so taking away that time is not alright under constant circumstances.
  • We want you to be willing to help. Our wish is to have our teammates be active members in the community. We're not expecting you to drop everything and help someone every time its asked. However, showing up once a week is not going to build trust and friendship with your teammates.
  • Be a roleplayer! This might seem a given considering the forum, but we want to make clear that the team is made by roleplayers and for roleplayers.

I understand that is a lot of information to go over. We're doing our best to create a family that tackles content together and has fun. This means we need people who fit the dynamic. We're looking for long term. I dream of a team that stays together through patches and gets the most out of our Final Fantasy experience.


So! If you think you're a fit, let us know. Reply to the thread, send me a message, or get a hold of me in-game on Garryson Shipkeeper. Once we get in touch with you we'll schedule some time for you to come run with us and meet the team.


We look forward to meeting you!

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Is joining XI:7 required? My WAR is at ilvl119, and I've completed Turn 6. Unfortunately, my current schedule is that I get off at around 7pm Mountain every other Monday (this schedule is probably going to change in the coming weeks to 4pm Mountain, eventually).

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Is joining XI:7 required? My WAR is at ilvl119, and I've completed Turn 6. Unfortunately, my current schedule is that I get off at around 7pm Mountain every other Monday (this schedule is probably going to change in the coming weeks to 4pm Mountain, eventually).


Exactly what Freelance said. It doesn't matter what FC you're in. XI:7 is just runnin' the show. I should mention along with that, it'd be preferred to have a LS open to join our OOC LS (mostly to just keep in touch throughout the week/part of the happy happenings) but I won't stress it as an absolute required.


We've got a Warrior trying out next Monday it looks like (3/23) so if you're off early enough we can try for 3/30 (if you're off early that week) or the next week permitting. Just let us know what works best for you and we'll work something out.

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Is joining XI:7 required? My WAR is at ilvl119, and I've completed Turn 6. Unfortunately, my current schedule is that I get off at around 7pm Mountain every other Monday (this schedule is probably going to change in the coming weeks to 4pm Mountain, eventually).


Exactly what Freelance said. It doesn't matter what FC you're in. XI:7 is just runnin' the show. I should mention along with that, it'd be preferred to have a LS open to join our OOC LS (mostly to just keep in touch throughout the week/part of the happy happenings) but I won't stress it as an absolute required.


We've got a Warrior trying out next Monday it looks like (3/23) so if you're off early enough we can try for 3/30 (if you're off early that week) or the next week permitting. Just let us know what works best for you and we'll work something out.


Deal! PM sent.

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Hey there, If it doesn't go well with the other two, I am a ilvl 116 WAR (I don't know if I can consider it my main as I switch between WAR and PLD quite often and play them for about the same amount of time.)


I've cleared up to t7 with a previous static, though I haven't been back into coil since the drama with them kinda turned me off from it for a bit. I've been fairly slow gearing up due to this, but if I was given even a nod at a tryout i would buck that up.


Feel free to disregard this should you choose, but the volunteering is there (if that makes sense?)

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Hey everyone, wanted to give a quick update on the process. We've got try outs scheduled for the next two weeks so after those we'll be coming back to schedule more for anyone interested.


If you still want to throw your hat into the ring, jet let us know.

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