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Entry 29 - The Hingan Way

Dwassyith Swanra


After a few days of waiting, Lord Hashimoto visited the Kinshi Iro Inn against all odds and all expectations. He brought a contingent of samurai with himself for personal security, but when he requested a meeting with Dwassyith and his group, the bodyguards had been left outside. The hingan Lord exchanged a pleasant and polite conversation with the rest of the group, which kept everybody alerted and tense over the man's real intentions. However, Hashimoto's manners were far more comely and friendly than foreseen. Dwassyith mentioned at last his interest to make business about the prized 'Dragon Breath' with Hashimoto, and the hingan personage agreed to have a think about it. In the meantime, he offered Norien to spend some time together on a hunt, which triggered everybody suspicion and concern. It took quite a long deal of reasoning and precaution for Norien to accept such an offer, based on Chihaya's reassurance that Lord Hashimoto was a man of honour and wouldn't have enforced anything at all. 
Hashimoto then hastily departed, assuring the group that they would have received news regarding his intentions.

Having to kill time during the waiting, the group set course for Yanxia, having caught on the rumour of a very interesting auction that would have happened at Yuzuka Manor. The journey proved to be not devoid of peril, for they got attacked by a group of lupin bandits who, fortunately, got repelled through a valiant fight. The fight itself, however, unexpectedly triggered the discontent of one of the group's travelling companions. A quarrel followed, which saw the irate local departing the group. That left Xihsa'li, Dwassyith and Zumi en route to their destination.

The auction took place on very competitive tones, and almost every member of the Rootless got themselves something to bring back home - even if the prices were incredibly high. Xihsa'li got a collection of books of Sharlayan origins, Zumi a book of nudes and a precious pendant, and Dwassyith simply had the chance to spot new interesting personalities.

The day after, the dark-skinned miqo'te indulged the sight of one of these new acquaintances, an extremely seductive Elezen woman, Delphine. After a long, mutual-studying talk, Dwassyith invited the elegant and sly gambler to follow him to Shirogane on their way back from Yanxia. She accepted to meet him again, with the lingering feeling that both could have been of great use to each other.

Despite of the negotiations for the Dragon Breath were slightly delayed by the 'hingan way' of handling things, the group overall had many chances to feel marvelled and immersed into a completely different reality. Limsa Lominsa never felt so far away before. 


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