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Entry 34 - Lost

Dwassyith Swanra


After almost one week of interrogation and torture, the eccentric pirate Zigzag was given a serum crafted by Kebbe, which was supposed to loosen his tongue. The effect of the serum was far more powerful than expected, and caused the man to live enhancened nightmares buried within his psyche. However, amidst the delirious screaming and terror, he uttered the name 'Redwater Cove'. After more 'encouragement', the hostage spilled the details about a secret and hidden cove located somewhere in the Indigo Deep.

The following day, Dwassyith held a meeting with the rest of the Red Hibiscus residents and briefed them on what Zigzag revealed about the mysterious pirate cove: it was a place ruled by six pirate lords at the head of six different clans. Each clan had one shore of the island named after themselves. The pirates were taught the way to the island and out of it since they were children and unless one knew the exact path, finding it would have been virtually impossible. For this reason, Zigzag had to act as the living map for the group, in exchange of his potential freedom upon reaching destination.

Indeed the group departed at dawn. They hired a roegadyn captain, Sharp Fang, and her crew operating on the 'Rhotano Wave' vessel. The journey proved to be tranquil at first, but when the terrifyingly recognizeable fog started to envelope the galleon, that was when problems had started. The vessel was about to crash against the wreckage of an old ship ahead when the stirring wheel of the Rhotano Wave got stuck. Thanks to Tobias extremely hazardous intervention at the entangled rudder and the fact Dwassyith asked for the anchor to be tossed down, the ship got slowed down before it could even crash. However, the fisherman found himself in deep trouble underwater and it took the intervention of Crimson Dawn and Khadagahn to reel him back on board.

However, the group didn't even have the time to get any closer to the fog-shrouded shore, when a gigantic sea-serpent of colossal proportions attacked the Rhotano Wave, leaving absolutely no chance to anybody to stop what was inevitably going to happen. By crashing down on the doomed ship, the serpent cracked it in half and caused an hysteria of panic and destruction. The majority of the crew died in the impact, others went lost, and Dwassyith's group received severe injuries of all kinds. The marine currents brought their floating bodies ashore, as the shallow waters were coloured in red, fully reflecting the fitting name of the cove. The group lost their ship, their crew and their navigator, and found themselves lost on the lonely shore of an unknown island ruled by rampaging pirates. They had nothing else apart from their wounds, and each other...


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