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[Balmung] Shroudrose Tavern Happy Hour


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Visit Teatime's Shroudrose Teahouse & Tavern at Happy Hour for an evening of half-off drinks, good company, and live entertainment! Happy Hour is a monthly event regularly held on the last Thursday night of each month. Shroudrose Tavern seeks to provide a bar environment that is both casual and refined, where those from all walks of life may gather to enjoy one of our unique cocktails or a bite to eat, and a bit of conversation among friendly company.

Join us on Thursday, July 28th at 9:00 PM EDT at Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58 on the Balmung server in the tavern downstairs. Doors open 9:00 PM EDT. Performances begin 10:00 PM EDT. We look forward to seeing you there!

Featuring performances from...


Z’attano Rhiki

Melada Stryker

Cia Lyule

Cadence Allerion with Nim A' Mor
Ali Zelenza
with Aji Eikhyrne

Aji Eikhyrne with Ophelia Eikhyrne, Rhiannon Dotharl, & Ali Zelenza

Mirien Lahar

Edited by Faye

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